This is my Pac-Man display. Made with a microcontroller and LEDs and modifying the retail ghosts with my own LEDs to allow me to set the correct colors when I want.
The timing is accurate to the arcade machine attract mode, but the names appear a bit late because I scroll them on so I might fudge the timing in a future update.
#pacman #arcade #maker #makers #leds #electroncs #MicroContollers #esp8266
#pacman #arcade #maker #makers #leds #electroncs #MicroContollers #esp8266 #MastodonLight is a simple #JavaScript module for #NodeJs , lib can be also deployed to #MicroContollers too using #JerryScript #IotJs #Runtime
#MastodonLight #javascript #nodejs #MicroContollers #jerryscript #iotjs #runtime