gotofritz · @gotofritz
775 followers · 164 posts · Server

: that's such a dumb idea! Who came up with it? I would eat deep fried ant eater haggis before I'd use that!

: wow that's so cool! A paradigm shift for frontend web architecture! I can't wait to try it!

Well played, team. Well played

[tips hat]

#MicroFrontends #islandarchitecture #astrobuild

Last updated 2 years ago

David LACOURT · @david_lacourt
32 followers · 8 posts · Server

J'ai joué avec les . Je suis partis sur l'option / , plutôt que et . C'est bien parti, mon objectif est de fédérer dans mon blog tous mes projets persos... là j'ai un blog en , qui intègre un QR Code , et une app . 🤹‍♀️

L'article est en mode brouillon, je vais l'étoffer mais la démo est live :

#MicroFrontends #customelements #webcomponents #webpack #ModuleFederation #sveltekit #stenciljs #angularelements

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Pelz · @jpe
18 followers · 38 posts · Server

Heute starten die IT-Tage der @informatikaktuell und am Mittwoch werde ich im Architektur-Track über Microfrontends sprechen.

Hattet ihr schon einmal damit zu tun? Was sind eure Vorurteile? Ich möchte alles hören! 😈

#ittage #microfrontend #MicroFrontends #informatikaktuell #Softwarearchitektur

Last updated 2 years ago

Romano Roth · @romanoroth
11 followers · 10 posts · Server

👉We can mitigate this problem by introducing the task-based UI architecture pattern. This is a special type of micro frontends dedicated to display the status(es) of entities which go through a distributed business process.

👉 link to blog post:

🤗Thank you Michael Lehmann for reminding me today about our 5-year-old discussion about task-based UI and for writing this summary.

#architecture #ui #MicroFrontends #uicomposition #webcomponents

Last updated 2 years ago