For anybody interested, the December issue of The Lancet Microbe will go live on Wednesday night UK time. It’s #OpenAccess so, obviously, completely free to readers. Make sure you take full advantage of the journal with the highest impact factor in both the #InfectiousDiseases and #microbiology categories 😁
#oa #IDVerse #MicroVerse #IDMastodon #microbiology #infectiousdiseases #openaccess
@onisillos @GermHunterMD
#microverse can encompass very different fields of Microbiology. A #basicMicrobiology, of nature, the environment, is different from what is seen in medicine; #clinicalmicrobiology. And that although the principles are similar.
#MicroVerse #basicmicrobiology #clinicalmicrobiology
@GermHunterMD that's good to know. I was wondering why nobody seems to have used #MicroVerse before me
@pwgtennant @ct_bergstrom @andreashandel I think I should copy this and claim #MicroVerse for the microbiologists