A quick guide to understand purple photosymbioses and its key partners.
Paper alert π¨
A novel origin of eukaryotic apocarotenoid biosynthesis in Aurantiochytrium limacinum ATCC MYA-1381appears to be the result of horizontal gene transfer from Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and/or Archaea
'Horizontal gene transfer and fusion spread carotenogenesis among diverse heterotrophic protists'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Estudying potential events early in the process of complex plastid acquisition to understand how symbiotic relationships evolve
"Functional control and metabolic integration of stolen organelles in a photosynthetic ciliate"
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
"Cytokinesis in Trypanosoma brucei relies on an orphan kinesin that dynamically crosslinks microtubules"
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Besides typical MRO functions are predicted. The MRO in Paramikrocytos canceri appears to produce ATP via a partial glycolytic pathway and synthesize phospholipids de novo through the CDP-DAG pathway. This would be the first case of a mitosome-like organelle able to synthesize phospholipids de novo.
'A mitosome with distinct metabolism in the uncultured protist parasite Paramikrocytos canceri (Rhizaria, Ascetosporea)'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Three new genera are proposed to accommodate the Hodotermopsis sjostedti symbionts, as well as, two new species of Spirotrichonympha
'Molecular Phylogeny of Spirotrichonymphea (Parabasalia) with Emphasis on Spironympha, Spirotrichonympha, and Three New Genera Pseudospironympha, Nanospironympha, and Brugerollina'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #parabasalids
Paper alert π¨
Polyketide compounds and their analogues cause shellfish poisoning, and dinoflagellates may utilize a combination of Type I multi-domain and single-domain PKS proteins to synthesize them.
'Transcriptomic analysis of polyketide synthesis in dinoflagellate, Prorocentrum lima'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Our paper on a few draft genomes of Blastocystis it out!
If you're interested:
'Draft genomes of Blastocystis subtypes from human samples of Colombia'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Book chapter π¨
'Cycling Within a Cell: Cell Cycle of Intracellular Kinetoplastid Parasites'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
This transcriptomics study identifies some proteins that appear to have relevant functional roles in dictyostellium's organelles.
'Endosomal vesicle fusion machinery is involved with the contractile vacuole in Dictyostelium discoideum'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
In silico identificacion of very unique potential lipid transfer proteins and their possible implications as future therapeutic targets against Trichomoniasis.
'Non-vesicular lipid transport machinery in Trichomonas vaginalis: novel drug targets against Trichomoniasis.'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #parasites
Paper alert π¨
A review on Plasmodium, Toxoplasma, and Trypanosoma's RNA code corresponding posttranscriptional RNA chemical modifications
"Epitranscriptomics in parasitic protists: Role of RNA chemical modifications in posttranscriptional gene regulation"
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
"A Review of the #Dinoflagellates and Their Evolution from Fossils to Modern"
#Dinoflagellates #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Protistsβ microbiomes are constituted by stablished symbionts, ingested microbes and surface-asociated microbes.
The paper below studied bacterial microbiomes associated to natural populations of #Euplotes #Ciliates #MicrobialEukaryotes #protists
#euplotes #ciliates #MicrobialEukaryotes #protists
Book chapter alert π¨
A eukaryote-focused protocol for DNA extraction, amplicon preparation, sequencing,
and taxonomic identification from soil samples:
'Metabarcoding Approaches for Soil Eukaryotes, #protists and Microfauna'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Euplotes' endosymbiont 'Ca. Nebulobacter yamunensis' cannot survive out of its host, yet its genome shows extreme molecular and functional similarities to that of the free-living Fastidiosibacter lacustris (bacteria) ...
How could this be? these two have striking differences in their lifestyles ...
Could their study help understand the earliest stages in the evolution of #endosymbiosis ?
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
#endosymbiosis #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
'Trophic State Drives the Diversity of Protists in a Tropical River (New River, Belize)'
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #phytoplankton
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #phytoplankton
Paper alert π¨
psbO appears to be a suitable gene marker to estimate #phytoplankton abundaces from metagenomics data
"A robust approach to estimate relative phytoplankton cell abundances from metagenomes"
#phytoplankton #MicrobialEukaryotes #protists
Paper alert π¨ !
Inorganic phosphorus appears to be a major diversity driver in some eukaryotic communities in oligotrophic oceans
Also, natural microbial communities could rapidly shift in composition in response to nutrient addition
thanks for the referral @kkormas
#protists #MicrobialEukaryotes
Paper alert π¨
Some #Ciliates infect mosquito #Aedes aegypti larvae (colonizing their head, abdomen, and siphon region). Of these, Vorticella microstoma looks promising for further studies as candidate agent for #biocontrol
#ciliates #aedes #biocontrol #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes