Home was a direction, a distance across a field of memory. Flowers of violet, yellow and blue, her where and when. But all faded now.
She flew on into the dusk. Bees have no word for lost: only unease between known and seen.
#MicroflashMonday #WHQCommunity
#whqcommunity #MicroflashMonday
I stand on the threshold to the Garden feeling the air over my whiskers and along the fur of my back like a caress. Everything is bright and warm, softly swaying. Scent dances in my mouth and birds chide me from the trees as I step onto the soft grass for the first time, I am transformed. Kitten no longer.
"Home vs Garden"
It took the last of my oxygen, but I finished it. Right down the hull, bright orange, from my useless drive to my ice-crusted bridge. I push off, no point going back, to see how it looks. The dead hulk of my ship rotates just enough to slide starlight across my epitaph: "Cheap gets you killed"
"Cheap vs Expensive"
I recoil at the squeaking noises as the mussels hit the pan.
‘It’s not screams,’ my Dad laughs. ‘Just the air escaping’.
I think of their life underwater, secure in an air bubble.
The guilt fades as I devour them, dipping crusty bread in white wine sauce.
#microflashmonday #writing #writershq
#writershq #writing #MicroflashMonday
The sea lies flat and grey. Fog-damp sand shifts underfoot. She lifts her pale arms and swirls the rope-bound stone above her head. It sings. The storm within her bursts from her throat, harsh and guttural. Black clouds swarm on the horizon. #MicroflashMonday #whqcommunity #amwriting #writing #writer
#writer #writing #amwriting #whqcommunity #MicroflashMonday