“Separating the concepts of deployment from release is important. Just because software is deployed into a given environment doesn’t mean it’s actually being used by customers.” -Sam Newman, Monolith to Microservices.

#Microservices #deployment #release

Last updated 1 year ago

Retujo · @retujo
11 followers · 95 posts · Server sueden.social

So we are building a system from scratch which should have a architecture.

I strongly recommended to take into consideration as programming language.

Does anyone know if there is something like resilience4j available for Rust to reduce manual effort making the services resilient? Or do have general advice regarding this topic (like blog posts etc.)? Thank you very much in advance.

#Microservices #rust #rustlang

Last updated 1 year ago

Nebu · @nebu
36 followers · 175 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Probably for the majority of use cases (uniformly randomly selecting among all software projects), architecture is a better fit than architecture.

#monolithic #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

Informatik Aktuell · @informatikaktuell
140 followers · 125 posts · Server det.social

Breaking Changes in Microservices – 📘 Neuer Artikel von Sascha Feldmann



Last updated 2 years ago

OOP Konferenz · @oop
85 followers · 19 posts · Server sueden.social

Eine auf basierende Architektur umzusetzen bedeutet, dass auch die Datenhaltung auf die verschiedenen Services verteilt werden muss. Was aber bedeutet das in der Praxis? Was ist, wenn Daten einer Entität - vollständig oder in Teilen - in mehreren Services benötigt werden?

Dies sind nur wenige von vielen Fragen, die in der Session von Lars Roewekamp beantwortet werden. So viel vorab: Umdenken ist gefragt!


#Microservices #Softwarearchitektur #datapitfalls #monolith

Last updated 2 years ago

Many of them have misconceptions between Microservices and APIs. They are not equivalent and play a completely different roles in web applications. In this article, you will clearly understand the difference between Microservices and APIs. anblicks.com/blog/difference-b

#api #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
81 followers · 754 posts · Server mastodon.lol

What I'm not expecting to get from transitioning to :

* Cost savings -- the current system is cheap because we have so few users. The new system will be hugely overengineered for 30 users and will cost more, but will leave opportunity for growth.

That's about it -- thanks if you've read this far. Open to any comments/questions/anecdotes -- this site has always been as much a learning experience for me as anything else. (9/9)

#container #docker #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
81 followers · 754 posts · Server mastodon.lol

* Security -- with the reverse proxy in place, I can expose only the endpoints that clients need, while hiding other endpoints for internal use only. This also completely wipes away some questionable design choices made early on when I didn't know what I was doing.
* Easier user management - so stoked to get doing user management here. I initially implement OIDC intergration and fml on that and eff the Facebook SDK.


#keycloak #facebook #Microservices #docker #container

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
81 followers · 754 posts · Server mastodon.lol

What am I hoping to get from all this work?

* Easier maintenance. The app was initially designed as a single-user client app, and certain implementations of things did not scale well to a multi-user web app environment. Redesigning these things is impossible today because it's written into one library shared by 50+ separate endpoints. This will segment the logic of various processes and hopefully make future redesigns feasible.


#python #Microservices #docker #container

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
81 followers · 754 posts · Server mastodon.lol

The three other I have -- one is a chat feature on the site. I haven't started rewriting this yet. The other is aggregate user stats -- leaderboards, awards, that sort of thing. This data is in ; lots of read/write, lots of different queries, joins, aggregation, etc. The last is the quiz management service; this glues the other services together to provide the right output for the client. And that's it, all this, plus the front end / reverse proxy container. (5/?)

#Microservices #mysql

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
78 followers · 707 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I'm integrating a instance to replace my own user auth implementation. One thing here is I can implement user preferences as attributes in keycloak. Those can appear in the signed jwt client-side, which is pretty nifty. I just need to make sure that none of them need to be joined with the other data in . Also, there's a separate service that interfaces with keycloak to let the user update prefs through the front end. (4/?)

#keycloak #mysql #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
78 followers · 713 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Similarly, I have the word list as a data source. It is 297,077 rows of read-only data. I've taken this out of and put it in a separate container, and again anything that needs to query this data goes through the "lexicon" service assigned to it (3/?)

#scrabble #mysql #mongodb #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
78 followers · 705 posts · Server mastodon.lol

One thing I tried to keep in mind when designing these is to map one microservice to one data source. My site is an app where users can study the dictionary. For legacy reasons (that are still valid), user study data is stored in a database (separate DB file for each user). So everything that needs to touch a user's SQLite DB has to go through the service assigned to it. (2/?)

#Microservices #scrabble #sqlite

Last updated 2 years ago

spherulitic · @spherulitic
78 followers · 711 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Some thoughts on my website rewrite. Currently the back end is a collection of python cgi scripts run by Apache; there's probably close to 50 of them. I'm grouping these into six containerized microservices.

How do you decide what endpoint goes in what ? What a great question -- the answer is, I have no idea and am completely guessing. (1/?)


Last updated 2 years ago

arialdo · @arialdo
264 followers · 225 posts · Server mastodon.online

Musk vs


Last updated 2 years ago

E. Schneider 🇪🇺 · @etschneider
32 followers · 535 posts · Server mastodon.online

RT @shanselman
Twitter seems to be randomly unfollowing people I’ve followed for years.


Last updated 2 years ago

Dominik Sust · @itwerkstatt
2 followers · 11 posts · Server sueden.social

@preslavrachev @inanc We have migrated several from to . They are faster and need way less ram than the Java docker container version.
I think it's going into the right direction - also with ui toolkits like for example.

#Microservices #java #golang #fyne

Last updated 2 years ago

Payara Fish · @payarafish
41 followers · 12 posts · Server mastodon.online

Today, we launch '22 @jakartaee gifts for 2022!' In its last month, we celebrate the year's best content.

To kick off, Ralph Soika in January: 'Is Spring Boot Still State of the Art?' He believes Jakarta EE is better when migrating to a :

#JavaEE #SpringBoot #Microservices

Last updated 2 years ago

· @loveisgrief
79 followers · 2416 posts · Server mastodon.online

Are there jobs that aren't or related? How come there isn't stuff that's about writing in Rust, or media processing, or other things that require performance? Is rust just too young?

#Microservices #finance #crypto #rust

Last updated 2 years ago