"Second blog post to finish out the week. Expanding on a previous tweet to look at how LAPS 2.0 crypto works, how the #PowerShell Get-LAPSADPassword cmdlet works, and provided a quick BOF to do pull and decrypt msLAPS-EncryptedPassword" @xpn
https://twitter.com/_xpn_/status/1690772623431495681?s=46&t=wttzchZytaf28fgbhcnfFw funny that X link shares are still twitter.com ones lmao
#powershell #laps #microsoft #MicrosoftAzure #sysadmin
Microsoft Azure Export for Terraform( Terrafy ) is a tool that allows users to import existing Azure resources into Terraform modules. The tool can be installed using various methods and can import single resources or entire resource groups. https://www.techielass.com/using-azure-export-for-terraform-to-import-existing-azure-resources-into-terraform/ #MicrosoftAzure #Terraform #ResourceManagement #softcorpremium
#MicrosoftAzure #terraform #resourcemanagement #softcorpremium
Make Use Of: 8 Benefits of Cloud Computing https://www.makeuseof.com/benefits-of-cloud-computing/ #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #AmazonWebServices #CloudComputing #MicrosoftAzure #CloudStorage #Programming
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #AmazonWebServices #cloudcomputing #MicrosoftAzure #cloudstorage #programming
Following up on my previous #Bicep post. The latest blog highlights how we take this one step further and deploy an SQL Server on #MicrosoftAzure that is backed by #PureStorage #CloudBlockStore https://davidstamen.com/2023/05/17/using-bicep-to-deploy-a-microsoft-sql-on-azure-vm-with-cloud-block-store-volumes/ Take a look and let me know what you think!
#bicep #MicrosoftAzure #purestorage #cloudblockstore
I ran into a problem with an Azure based WLC in combination with an on-prem RADIUS.
This was the solution:
Was a long ride with the support. Seems only a few with Microsoft are aware of that.
And I had to prove it with traces. Oh boy.
return(GiS); | Monitorizar aplicación Java con Spring Boot con Azure Application Insights | https://www.returngis.net/2023/04/monitorizar-aplicacion-java-con-spring-boot-con-azure-application-insights/ #apm #java #springboot #microsoftazure #azuremonitor #applicationinsights #monitoring #observability
#apm #java #SpringBoot #MicrosoftAzure #azuremonitor #applicationinsights #monitoring #observability
RT @ThomasMaurer
Wanna find all the Free Services in Azure? Check out this page:
#Azure #AzOps #AzDev #CloudComputing #MicrosoftAzure #Microsoft
#azure #AZOps #azdev #CloudComputing #MicrosoftAzure #microsoft
RT @ThomasMaurer
Need the Azure Icons to draw your architectures? Here is how to download the new Azure Architecture Icons ⚡
#Microsoft #Azure #MicrosoftAzure
#microsoft #azure #MicrosoftAzure
return(GiS); | Restringir el acceso a ciertas IP públicas a algunas aplicaciones en AKS con Nginx como ingress controller | https://www.returngis.net/2023/03/restringir-el-acceso-a-ciertas-ip-publicas-a-algunas-aplicaciones-en-aks-con-nginx-como-ingress-controller/ #k8s #kubernetes #aks #security #nginx #microsoftazure #returngis
#k8s #kubernetes #aks #security #nginx #MicrosoftAzure #returngis
RT @0gis0
return(GiS); | Restringir el acceso a ciertas IP públicas a aplicaciones en AKS con Application Gateway WAF v2 | https://www.returngis.net/2023/03/restringir-el-acceso-a-ciertas-ip-publicas-a-aplicaciones-en-aks-con-application-gateway-waf-v2/ #kubernetes #k8s #microsoftazure #aks #security #waf
#kubernetes #k8s #MicrosoftAzure #aks #security #waf
return(GiS); | Restringir el acceso a ciertas IP públicas a aplicaciones en AKS con Application Gateway WAF v2 | https://www.returngis.net/2023/03/restringir-el-acceso-a-ciertas-ip-publicas-a-aplicaciones-en-aks-con-application-gateway-waf-v2/ #kubernetes #k8s #microsoftazure #aks #security #waf
#kubernetes #k8s #MicrosoftAzure #aks #security #waf
I've been working with Azure App Registrations and Azure Functions that talk to SharePoint. Here is an article I put together with the full process of creating an Azure App Registration and creating and configuring an Azure App Function that talks to SharePoint. Also, how to debug locally and even call it from Power Automate.
#MicrosoftAzure #PowerAutomate #microsoftsharepoint
Pues jugando con Go, Cobra y el SDK de Azure Storage … a ver qué sale 😙 #golang #microsoftazure
return(GiS); | Desplegar una aplicación web en Go en Azure App Service | https://www.returngis.net/2023/01/desplegar-una-aplicacion-web-en-go-en-azure-app-service/ #golang #go #microsoftazure #appservice #returngis
#golang #go #MicrosoftAzure #appservice #returngis
Also one popular argument against putting your business trust in your own datacenter.
RT @thenewstack@twitter.com
One popular argument against putting your business trust in the cloud is that if your hyper-cloud provider goes down, so does your business. Well, it happened. Here's what we know. https://bit.ly/3R8Iuca #Azure #MicrosoftAzure
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/thenewstack/status/1618799202082889729
Critical Microsoft Azure RCE flaw impacted multiple services https://securityaffairs.com/141007/hacking/microsoft-azure-emojideploy-rce.html #informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #MicrosoftAzure #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #EmojiDeploy #hackingnews #Hacking #Cloud
#informationsecuritynews #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #MicrosoftAzure #BreakingNews #SecurityNews #EmojiDeploy #hackingnews #Hacking #cloud
Conectando o Azure ao GitHub Actions.
Nesse ultimo vídeo da série, eu mostro um pouco sobre como criar uma conta gratuita no #microsoftazure e como associar ao GitHub para usar com as Actions durante seu processo de deploy
#paneladev cc @sseraphini@twitter.com
return(GiS); Desplegar una aplicación con Dapr en Azure Container Apps | https://www.returngis.net/2022/12/desplegar-una-aplicacion-con-dapr-en-azure-container-apps/ #dapr #microsoftazure #azurecontainerapps #containerapps
#dapr #MicrosoftAzure #azurecontainerapps #containerapps
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#microsoftazure #microsoft #azure #cloudcomputing #cloud #aws #microsoftoffice #technology #googlecloud #microsoftdynamics
#microsoftdynamics #GoogleCloud #technology #microsoftoffice #aws #cloud #cloudcomputing #azure #microsoft #MicrosoftAzure
Azure Storage Mover–A managed migration service for Azure Storage http://azure.microsoft.com/blog/azure-storage-mover-a-managed-migration-service-for-azure-storage-2/ #microsoftazure #azure #azurestorage
#MicrosoftAzure #azure #azurestorage