People sometimes ask me what's the weirdest thing I've ever found in an #archive. I once found a porn magazine cutting (in a folder from the 1930s) and a friend stumbled upon a letter bomb, undetonated but duly filed.
Here's an absurd highlight from the #Jerusalem Municipality Archive: A short note from the #Sephardic Cheif Rabbi to the #Saudi Consul in #Palestine, conveying his best wishes to the King for the 1942 Christmas holidays. Of course, neither of them celebrated Christmas!
Why on earth would a rabbi send Christmas greetings to the Arab world's most conservative muslim state? I'm open to theories.
Happy holidays, be that #Christmas or #Hannukah!
#histodons #history #jewishstudies #middleeasternstudies @histodons
#archive #jerusalem #sephardic #saudi #palestine #christmas #Hannukah #histodons #history #jewishstudies #MiddleEasternStudies
Are you also still looking for academics in #IslamicStudies or #MiddleEasternStudies or related fields? Then I can recommend you to go through the follow list of @omarcheta. There I discovered some people I hadn't found until now.
And also the list of @floris, on which unfortunately only a few from our subject are included so far.
#IslamicStudies #MiddleEasternStudies
Hi folks, we had some serious issues on and lost some posts, follows and followers along the way. I look forward to discovering who has joined within the last week and I hope we can connect again.
@islamicstudies #IslamicStudies #IslamicHistory #MiddleEasternStudies
#IslamicStudies #IslamicHistory #MiddleEasternStudies
Trying to activate this group @islamicstudies again .. for the three or four of us on here đŹ working in this field. Any other (and broader) ideas for building such a group? I am not really into #mustafidons .. sorry, folks!
For newcomers: When you follow a group, you will receive all posts in which other users have mentioned that group in your home feed. The group is not moderated, the posts are automatically reposted.
#IslamicStudies #NearEasternStudies #OrientalStudies #MiddleEasternStudies #IranianStudies #TurkishStudies #OttomanStudies ... please add ...
#OttomanStudies #TurkishStudies #iranianstudies #MiddleEasternStudies #OrientalStudies #NearEasternStudies #IslamicStudies #mustafidons
Many scientists have already arrived here on Mastodon.
Unfortunately, I am not aware of any from my own discipline (Iranian Studies). Therefore, I have created a list to collect accounts, follow them all at once and change this:
Feel free to contact me with suggestions or if you would like to be on that list yourself!
#Iran #IslamicStudies #Orient #MiddleEasternStudies #ArabicStudies #OrientalStudies #IranianStudies #joinmastodon
#iran #IslamicStudies #orient #MiddleEasternStudies #ArabicStudies #OrientalStudies #iranianstudies #joinmastodon
Viele Wissenschaftler:innen sind bereits hier auf Mastodon angekommen.
Leider sind mir aus meiner eigenen Disziplin (Islamwissenschaft) bislang quasi keine bekannt. Daher habe ich eine Liste angelegt, um das zu verÀndern:
Meldet Euch gern mit VorschlÀgen oder fall ihr selbst auf der Liste stehen möchtet!
#Iran #Islamwissenschaft #Orient #MiddleEasternStudies #Arabistik #OrientalStudies #OrientStudien #Islamstudien #joinmastodon
#iran #Islamwissenschaft #orient #MiddleEasternStudies #Arabistik #OrientalStudies #OrientStudien #Islamstudien #joinmastodon