The summer of weather extremes continues: got nearly 6 inches of rain in #Middlebury in less than three hours last evening, never seen anything like that before! #vermont
Back home in #vermont where the rivers are still high and more rain is forecast. Here Otter Creek runs at over 6000 cfs through #Middlebury. The median for the date is ~400 and the old record ~3000! #52lakechamplain
#52lakechamplain #Middlebury #vermont
Great fireworks over the #Middlebury campus last night for reunion weekend. #drone #vermont
The snow is coming down, and the river is coming up. Here, for #WaterfallWednesday, Otter Creek in #middlebury. #Vermont #52LakeChamplain
#52lakechamplain #vermont #Middlebury #waterfallwednesday
The #choir of #ClareCollege is now touring in the US. I'm biassed, but they're good! Catch them at #Middlebury VT, #DukeUniversity & #Davidson NC, #Knoxville #Memphis & #Nashville TN.
🎶 excerpts of their new CD 'Rolling River':
🎟️ Tour concert details:
#choir #clarecollege #Middlebury #dukeuniversity #davidson #knoxville #memphis #nashville #clarecollegechoir #cambridgeuniversity #choralsinging
Just published an #openaccess paper with colleague Al Handwerger on the properties of #water draining from rock glaciers in #utah
#Middlebury #rockglacier #permafrost #geology #utah #water #openaccess
What fun to be a #geology student! Here part of my Environmental Geology class at #Middlebury visiting a local marble quarry.
Tonight seems like an apt time to finally getting around to doing that #introduction post: I'm a professor of #mediastudies and #filmstudies at #Middlebury College in #Vermont. I write books and make #videoessays (aka #videographiccriticism) about #film & #television, with particular interests in #narrative, #genre, and #dh #digitalhumanities. Some non-professional interests include #politics, #boardgames, #craftbeer, and #coffee. And #hashtags seemingly.
#hashtags #Coffee #craftbeer #boardgames #Politics #digitalhumanities #dh #genre #narrative #television #film #VideographicCriticism #videoessays #vermont #Middlebury #filmstudies #mediastudies #introduction