No workout today, heading is trying to kill me, will be mostly drinking tea and trying not to move my head.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #Migraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #migraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache
Feeling decidedly manky this morning, woken by migraine pain, have taken pain meds and an abortive, now sat in my office with a large mug of tea.
#migraine #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
A productive morning so far given the fact I was awoken by migraine pain at 5amish, 5.23am according to the time I took my abortive, found the dress I was hunting for as well. Going to do my nails, pondering a design.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #ProductiveDay
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #productiveday #foundthedress
Least favourite thing to do today, bi-annual dental appointment. Already off to a bad start as had to take migraine abortive at 6am, having been woken by the pain.
#DentalAppointment #NoLikey #DontWanna #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
#dentalappointment #nolikey #dontwanna #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
I'm cautiously optimistic that the head pain has gone, I'm still lying in bed so it might get worse when I stand up but I did go pee at 5am & I felt ok then. ππΌπ€πΌ
#ChronicMigrane #MigraineWarrior #migraine #ihaventstoodupyet
Still rocking this stupid migraine, really was hoping it would feck off by now, we're into day 3 now.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #ItsNotJustAHeadache #GoAway #ItsTooLoud
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #ItsNotJustAHeadache #goaway #itstooloud #itstoobright
Sadly head has not improved with meds or food, gonna get my jammies on and lie down for a bit, hopefully lying down doesnt make my head worse.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #gonnaliedown
Ugh my head is manky, pain meds taken, nausea meds taken. Trying to distract myself with Day 2 of Cheltenham.
#cheltenham2023 #cheltenhamfestival #ChronicMigrane #MigraineWarrior
Head is playing silly buggers, it was sore while I lay in bed, was hoping once I was up and doing my workout it would go off with endorphin production, sadly not, have taken some pain meds.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #distractionrequired
Watching talks from the #MigraineWorldSummit
Still learning new things about this stupid condition, after years of living with it.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #EveryDayIsAScoolDay
#migraineworldsummit #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #everydayisascoolday
πΆπΆIts Botox day! Its botox day! πΆπΆππ½ππ½
#BotoxForMigraine #stabbystabbyday #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
Bed time and its botox day tomoro! Woohoo!
#BotoxForMigraine #StabbyStabbyDay
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
#BotoxForMigraine #stabbystabbyday #ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior
Just ordered a bunch more magnesium tablets and B2/Riboflavin tablets to help with my chronic migraine.
Only 3 more days until botox.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #vitaminsforthewin
Ugh, was woken up by migraine pain, took abortive and pain meds and its kicked its arse, so thats a win, roll on 8th March (botox day(
#WokenByMigraine #ChronicMigriane #MigraineWarrior
#wokenbymigraine #chronicmigriane #MigraineWarrior #ItsNotJustAHeadache
Ah the joy of migraine, my car (brain) is wanting to go into the wrong lane (migraine attack) clearly my Lane Keep Assist (botox) is due for a top up, (it's due March)
#JoyOfMigraine #CouldIBeMoreSarcastic
#MigraineWarrior #ChronicMigraine
#joyofmigraine #couldibemoresarcastic #MigraineWarrior #ChronicMigraine
Gonna be a slow day today, head trying to kick off, pain meds taken.
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #Migraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache
#ChronicMigraine #MigraineWarrior #migraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache
My #MigraineBuddy stats for January, pretty good, only 2 that didn't respond to my abortive.
#migrainebuddy #ChronicMigrane #MigraineWarrior
My #MigraineBuddy stats for January, pretty good, only 2 that didn't respond to my abortive.
#migrainebuddy #ChronicMigrane #MigraineWarrior
Well that was certainly a Thursday to forget, the migraine won the battle yesterday, hurled up twice, so off to bed I went, slept on and off the whole day and night. Today will be a recovery day, lots of tea and biscuits will be consumed.
#ChronicMigraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache #MigraineWarrior
#looklikedeathwarmedover #sotired #ChronicMigraine #ItsNotJustAHeadache #MigraineWarrior
Today is a bit of an ouchie day, head was meh when I woke up, thankfully thats gone off, however, the arthritis has kicked in lol.
#DailyPain #IfItsNotOneThingItsTheOther #Arthritis #MigraineWarrior
#Migraine #ChronicMigraine
#dailypain #ifitsnotonethingitstheother #arthritis #MigraineWarrior #migraine #ChronicMigraine