Haven't posted for a while, but thought folks here might be interested in this post about our nonprofit's work to support recently arrived migrants.
This effort was mentioned in a NY Times article today. Our post links to that article & info on ways to help. #Migrants #immigration #basicneeds #humanitarian #volunteers #collab
#collab #volunteers #humanitarian #basicneeds #immigration #Migrants
Comment l’Europe sous-traite à l’#Afrique le contrôle des #migrations : « #Frontex menace
Pour freiner l’immigration, l’Union européenne étend ses pouvoirs aux pays d’origine des #migrants à travers des partenariats avec des pays africains. https://seenthis.net/messages/1016184
#afrique #migrations #Frontex #Migrants
«A 300 dans le bâtiment, c’était inimaginable» : à Briançon, un centre d’accueil pour migrants, surchargé, ferme ses portes – Libération
Anna Pantelia (@Anna_Pantelia): "After the #Evros racist pogrom, another one took place last night in Limassol, #Cyprus where five were injured. According to the local media the group attacked migrants (including women). In the video below a young woman says in broken Greek she's fighting alone to make a living" | nitter
#Chypre #Racisme #Migrants #Pogrom
#evros #Cyprus #Chypre #racisme #Migrants #pogrom
Greece: Firefighters rescue 25 migrants trapped in forest as massive wildfire approached | AP News
#grece #evros #incendies #Migrants #frontiere #Europe
Après les centres d'hébergement pour mineurs isolés dont les fresques de Mickey ont été repeintes car jugées "trop accueillantes", des jeunes arrivés au RU dans des embarcations de fortune enfermés dans des prisons pour adultes dont certaines pour agresseurs sexuels.
Giorgos Katsambekis (@G_Katsambekis): "A Greek #FarRight MP seems to be practically calling for a racist #pogrom against migrants, accusing the latter for setting fires across #Evros. The justice system, the government & parliament are yet to react to this appalling & dangerous behaviour. Living through dark times..." | nitter (N4)
#Grèce #Migrants #Incendies #ExtrêmeDroite #Racisme
#farright #pogrom #evros #grece #Migrants #incendies #extremedroite #racisme
Saudi border guards are accused of the mass killing of migrants along the Yemeni border in a new report by #HumanRightsWatch.
The report says hundreds of people, many of them Ethiopians who cross war-torn Yemen to reach #saudiarabia , have been shot dead.
#Migrants have told the #BBC they had limbs severed by gunfire and saw bodies left on the trails.
#humanrightswatch #saudiarabia #Migrants #bbc
La pratique du Passamontagna n’a pas fonctionné. Après des années, plusieurs camps et de nombreuses #manifestations qui nous ont amenés à passer la #frontière ensemble, sans que personne -le temps d’une journée - ne risque sa vie pour franchir cette ligne imaginaire qu’est la frontière, cette fois-ci, le passage collectif a échoué. #luttes #exilés #mortsÀLaFrontière #migrants https://valleesenlutte.org/spip.php?article606
#manifestations #frontiere #luttes #exiles #mortsalafrontiere #Migrants
This is so wrong. Monetising the NHS was one of the worst things that happened (I blame Thatcher- as I do for most things!!), internal markets and formation of NHS Trusts. In the 'old day's' we would just treat whoever needed it, regardless of origin, status or payment.
#Money #NHS #Migration #Migrants #Healthcare
#Healthcare #Migrants #migration #nhs #Money
Naufrages en #Méditerranée : avec plus de 2 000 #morts depuis le début de l’année, le bilan de 2022 est déjà dépassé #migrants #FaireMourir (in extenso) https://seenthis.net/messages/1012964
#mediterranee #morts #Migrants #fairemourir
Like Lithuania, #Poland is concerned about activities of Russian #Wagner mercenaries in #Belarus. EU and NATO member Poland shares a 418-kilometer border with Belarus. Situation there had already escalated in 2021: Thousands of people tried to enter the #EU illegally. The European Union accused Belarusian ruler Alexander #Lukashenko of having organized #migrants from crisis regions to EU's external border in order to put pressure on the West.
#Migrants #lukashenko #EU #Belarus #wagner #poland
Poland says Belarus and Russia are behind a new migrant influx.
Poland's border guard called on the Polish Defense Ministry to deploy 1,000 additional troops on its border with Belarus.
Minsk faces accusations that it is using migrants as a means of "hybrid warfare" against the EU.
#migration #Migrants #EU #Russia #Belarus #poland
#Belarus security services continue their malign activities on the border with #Latvia, Guntis Pujats, chief of the State Border Guard, reported. He said that Belarusian security services were actively involved in damaging the border infrastructure to enable the illegal entry of #migrants.
#Podcasts : Droit et éthique des migrations en 4 épisodes
Après le naufrage de l'Andriana en juin 2023, la question du traitement des migrants en Europe se fait toujours plus prégnante[...]
#Crise #humanitaire #Droit #Justice #éthique #Immigration #migrants #anthropologie #Sociologie #FranceCulture #CollègedeFrance #FrançoisHéran #DidierFassin #Podcast
#Podcasts #crise #humanitaire #droit #justice #ethique #immigration #Migrants #anthropologie #sociologie #franceculture #CollegeDeFrance #francoisheran #didierfassin #podcast
#Migrants #réfugiés Une #métaliste qui réunit des fils de discussion pour démanteler la rhétorique de l’#AppeldAir en lien avec les #sauvetages en #Méditerranée https://seenthis.net/messages/1012135
#Migrants #refugies #Metaliste #appeldair #sauvetages #mediterranee
Tunisie : la palmeraie de Nefta, fragile refuge des migrants pris en étau entre le désert et les persécutions – Libération
This sounds ominous.
[ aside from the ambiguity of "helping slow migrants" ]