Where is the U.S. Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, while Florida and other states and state and county education departments and school boards are banning books? Why aren't we hearing anything from the Department of Education?
#MiguelCardona #deptofeducation #bookbanning
Feds propose 'student loan safety net' alongside forgiveness https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-miguel-cardona-business-73dcbf54ddb3b53c9c3c5468cfdec3b9 #UnitedStatesgovernment #MiguelCardona #Education #JoeBiden #Politics #Business #U.S.News
#u #business #politics #joebiden #education #MiguelCardona #unitedstatesgovernment
"Education is about providing choices for students, not employers. It is about helping young humans figure out how to be their own best selves, about learning how to be fully human in the world." #PeterGreene #Curmudgucation comments on a recent tweet by the USDoEd Commissioner #MiguelCardona
#education #MiguelCardona #curmudgucation #petergreene
"Education is about providing choices for students, not employers. It is about helping young humans figure out how to be their own best selves, about learning how to be fully human in the world." #PeterGreene #Curmudgucation comments on a recent tweet by the USDoEd Commissioner #MiguelCardona
#education #MiguelCardona #curmudgucation #petergreene
Florida instructs schools to ignore federal protections for transgender kids https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/07/florida-instructs-schools-ignore-federal-protections-transgender-kids/ #Anti-transgenderdiscrimination #DeSantisadministration #MiguelCardona #MannyDiazJr. #RonDeSantis #News(USA) #Florida #TitleIX
#anti #DeSantisadministration #MiguelCardona #MannyDiazJr #RonDeSantis #News #Florida #TitleIX