Reading about #Apple and its #AR #VR efforts for ‘23 onwards.
It’s high cost gecause the processing power required is ten years into the future. #Meta spends USD10b per year & has nothing to show … (Abrash reckons 20 years before processing is there, Carmack shakes his head at the 10b/yr Meta throws at it) 🤣
If they had hired Prof. #SteveMann he would have built a usable product, but as things stand this is another google #GlassHole of a product 🥸 Read and decide how bad this idea is & what apple think you will use it for:
#xrOS / #rOS / #MikeRockwell #DanRiccio #KimVorrath / #developers / #software / #hardware <>
#apple #ar #vr #meta #stevemann #glasshole #xros #ros #MikeRockwell #danriccio #kimvorrath #developers #software #hardware