Of those booked in #FultonCountyGA, one is #MikeRoman, who is paid directly from the Republican National Convention. He leaves a slime trail of crime hidden under the guise of "political consulting". He destroyed many towns.
I’ve been waiting for this one. Sure, long time loser Trump gets all the attention, but this is Mike Roman. Back later but for now, I wanted to share this.
Mike Roman being indicted is important for more than the US.
#fascism #cpc #MikeRoman #Canada #idu
Looking forward to IDU and Harper pal, and prior Conservative Party of Canada campaign guy, #MikeRoman ‘s mugshot.
Some of his tweets setting up the Big Lie and attempted coup ⬇️. October 1…
#Jan6defendants #MikeRoman Mike Roman: Placing Obscure Co-Defendants https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/mike-roman-placing-obscure-co-defendants?r=ziwt&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
#MikeRoman , Assistant Chairman of #Harper led far-right org #IDU (same #StephenHarper who wants #Canada to have closer ties with Orban) , criminally charged for his acts in furtherance of Trump and crew’s attempted coup.
#Canada #stephenharper #idu #harper #MikeRoman
#MikeRoman #TrumpIndictment #Georgia #IDU #Harper #Canada #Fascism
“If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it.”
— Mike Roman, Republican National Committee, and treasurer of the International Democratic Union
#fascism #Canada #harper #idu #georgia #trumpindictment #MikeRoman
What’s that you say, Mike?
“If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it.”
— Mike Roman, Republican National Committee, and treasurer of the International Democratic Union
#MikeRoman #TrumpIndictment #Georgia #Harper #IDU #Canada #cdnpoli
HT https://twitter.com/mini_bubbly/status/1691569632526639474
#cdnpoli #Canada #idu #harper #georgia #trumpindictment #MikeRoman