Dan Gero · @dangero
97 followers · 2236 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

I used to kind of dis my tuning skills with V3 English, but it's actually not too bad. I jacked up the gender parameter and now I feel sort of confident with my English tuning abilities. I'm still not enjoying the various glitches with itself though. For example, just because I change one note somewhere doesn't mean it needs to screw up the phonemes for a completely different note in a completely different location in the song. Anyone know why that happens?

#Miku #VOCALOID #hatsunemiku

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
94 followers · 2214 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Hi all! I'm saving up to move to , so I'm running a . I'm a producer, so I'm taking on so I can provide perks to those who donate. This is mainly a , just with a few benefits. My living situation is desperate, so every little bit helps. If you can't donate, that's OK too. Boosting this post will help me out a great deal. Thank you for your support. patreon.com/DanGero

#nebraska #fundraiser #VOCALOID #commissions #patreon #Miku #hatsunemiku #mutualaid

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
95 followers · 2205 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

recently announced their new EP, but there's a few songs on it that I haven't heard in full yet. I'm wondering if it's exclusive content or something? They've announced EP's before that had in them that they seemingly never released, but I'm not sure if that's because they released the songs exclusively somewhere, or they simply didn't release them at all. youtube.com/watch?v=Nm-ibXqa7E

#asanuko #music #VOCALOID #hatsunemiku #Miku #KagamineLen #otomachiuna

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
89 followers · 2185 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Can anyone give me suggestions on where else I can post about my work? I've posted here, Vocaverse network, and the Vocaloid Discord server. I haven't received tuning requests yet, but I don't know if it's because I'm not advertising myself well enough, the market's saturated, or people don't really need or things anymore. I'm at a loss, because I'm not sure what other services I'm able to offer, and I hate asking people for money without giving back.

#commission #VOCALOID #Miku #hatsunemiku

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
84 followers · 2139 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Here is a I'm working on. I'm not fully confident about my mixing abilities, so I'm hoping to get some feedback. It's not complete of course, but hopefully this will give some idea of what I've got for the time being.

#hatsunemiku #cover #VOCALOID #Miku #music

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
84 followers · 2129 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

So, uh... While working on this cover I accidently hit the V key and reversed Miku's voice and... I think I just made an unintentional meme.

#hatsunemiku #Miku #VOCALOID #vocalsynth #music #cover

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
40 followers · 668 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

I love being part of the community, because I'm always finding styles I've never heard before. Mainstream music sounds mostly the same, but there's so many different ways a virtual singer can sound, and there's always potential for a new style to come up. Case in point, this song. This is now one of my favourite songs! I wish this producer had a Mastodon so I could boost this. youtube.com/watch?v=q90SFMi8aU

#vocalsynth #pop #VOCALOID #zamza #teniwowa #Miku #hatsunemiku #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
32 followers · 485 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe
Dan Gero · @dangero
32 followers · 485 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

I'm a bit late on this, but I posted this to last night. It's some of my covers I've been working on, all compiled into a minute long video. I think I put this on as well, but I can't remember if I posted it here or not. Either way, here you go! youtube.com/watch?v=Z8vsneqizZ

#youtube #VOCALOID #soundcloud #hatsunemiku #Miku #jpop #cover #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Dan Gero · @dangero
32 followers · 485 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Well, I spent the last couple hours taking all the covers of mine that I enjoyed, and I've packed them together in one nice listenable package. I hope you all enjoy, and it's time for me to sleep! :-) soundcloud.com/dangero2000/voc

#vocalsynth #VOCALOID #Miku #hatsunemiku #cover #jpop #music

Last updated 2 years ago

【MMD】CYNICAL NIGHT PLAN / シニカルナイトプラン / Sour初音ミク 【2K60fps】 youtu.be/B9m8Y1nF2mM @YouTubeより

#mmd #Miku

Last updated 4 years ago

Hentai []D (not a -P Name) · @hentai
58 followers · 132 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Yes, I just proposed my panel and viewing " PVs projected on a small screen" as a legitimate alternative to at Cochella

#UTAU #Miku

Last updated 5 years ago

Hentai []D (not a -P Name) · @hentai
58 followers · 132 posts · Server vocalounge.cafe

Due to time constraints and the format of the panel (we learned our lesson from the Decade of Panel) I had to pre-edit all our video clips to be 1.5-2 minutes long max. I felt really bad literally butchering some tracks with the razor blade in Premier.


Last updated 5 years ago