@amaditalks @bkm the scope of his #antidemocractic and #fascist actions may be tied to $$$ on the payroll of nation states once fought by #GOP but now under thumb. Interesting how the #militaryindustrialcomplex is not an enemy of #GOP along w #FBI #CIA never could have conceived of this until it became reality in 2000s. #Prestidigitation - look here, no here, now here....poof - democracy - what happened?
#antidemocractic #fascist #gop #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #fbi #CIA #prestidigitation
Halliburton’s Bounty
The Iraq War wasn’t actually launched for the benefit of Halliburton, then vice president Dick Cheney’s former firm, as the charge went.
But that doesn’t mean Halliburton didn’t make sure it got a decent place at the trough the fix was in
Halliburton, whose subsidiary KBR (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) infamously won a no-bid, five-year, $7 billion contract for work on Iraq’s oil sector one week before the invasion.
The Military-Industrial Games Complex
Today, the US Department of Defense and DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) continue to invest heavily in the games industry and related fields in academia.
Most people would not think that buying a copy of the latest Call of Duty would involve funding actual merchants of death.
#militaryindustrialcomplex #gaming
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #gaming
Leftist Elected Officials Should Always Vote No on the Military Budget
It should be a matter of course that self-identified leftist and progressive members of Congress should vote down the annual bloated, dangerous, war-profiteer bonanza that is the military budget.
Last week, Senator Bernie Sanders cast a vote that should be expected of all left-leaning politicians in Congress: he voted against giving $886 billion to the Pentagon.
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #bernie
The Pentagon Budget Is Obscene, Even Without the Right-Wing Culture-War Amendments
The House and Senate are fighting over the Pentagon budget — not because anyone objects to an obscene level of military spending but because it’s become yet another a proxy for the culture war. The Left should oppose the budget for the right reasons.
"Aid to #Israel is now almost exclusively #military assistance that can be used only to buy #American weaponry.
In reality, it’s not so much aid to Israel as it is a backdoor subsidy to American #MilitaryContractors "
[That explains the $3.8 Billion annually. It's a massive #grift benefitting the (already bloated with tax payer money) #MilitaryIndustrialComplex. ]
#israel #military #american #militarycontractors #grift #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #usa #politics #News
The Military-Industrial Complex Is Finally Facing Intense Bipartisan Scrutiny
This week’s NDAA fight in the Rules Committee and later on the House floor will be a fresh test for the new populist right which has taken an isolationist turn away from the #neoconservatism that previously dominated of whether their opposition to the global war machine is talk on a podcast or something capable of marshaling enough support to be a real threat to the #militaryindustrialcomplex.
#neoconservatism #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Video: #RFKJr Goes Nuclear Against The #CIA, #MilitaryIndustrialComplex https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=648cc433f064b4d4f658ebfa
#RFKJr #cia #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Spending for the #UnitedStates #military has been increased again.
The #USA spends three times as much money on its military than any other nation.
But, it ignores #veterans, who need #freedom to choose health providers, #MentalHealth resources, and, for way too many who are #homeless, shelter.
Stop giving money to the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex. #Boeing and #LockheedMartin don't need the money.
Give that money to those who do. Spend that extra money from military spending on #US veterans.
#UnitedStates #military #usa #veterans #freedom #mentalhealth #homeless #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #boeing #lockheedmartin #us
Report Shows How $1.1 Trillion in Annual US Militarized Spending Is Crushing Society
As the United States barrels headlong toward a possible historic debt default, a report published Wednesday highlights that the majority of this year's federal discretionary funds were used for militarized programs, while urging the U.S. government to re-prioritize spending to serve human needs instead of the mechanisms and machinery of violence
#debtceiling #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
The world’s leading military profiteer remains the United States. As The Intercept’s Stephen Semler concluded last week after reviewing official 2022 trade data,
Biden “has helped increase the military power of a large number of authoritarian countries… The U.S. sold weapons to at least 57 percent of the world’s autocratic countries in 2022.”
The likes of Saudi Arabia, Israel and Egypt top the list.
#biden #authoritarian #weapons #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
#130-COVID Crimes-Never Forget
#BigPharma #covidvaccine #DwightEisenhower #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
The Current War Machine Isn’t Your Grandparents’ #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
The Pentagon now consumes more than half the federal discretionary budget, leaving priorities like public health, environmental protection, job training, and education to compete for what remains.
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #military
#BigPharma, #militaryindustrialcomplex among #PresidentJoeBiden Inaugural Committee's #topdonors #deepstate
#DeepState #topdonors #PresidentJoeBiden #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #BigPharma
RT - China speaks the language of pragmatism, while the US only understands sanctions, militarism and confrontation:
#ZeroSumDiplomacy #Diplomacy #Hegemony #Pragmatism #Compromise #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #EndlessWar #ForeignEntanglements #InternationalAffairs #Politics
#politics #InternationalAffairs #ForeignEntanglements #endlesswar #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #compromise #Pragmatism #hegemony #diplomacy #ZeroSumDiplomacy
Using the ill-conceived #DominoTheory to talk about #Ukraine only benefits one party: the #militaryindustrialcomplex
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #ukraine #DominoTheory
Great. Just Great! Look at what our $$ millions for each tank gets us . . . .
#Tank #Abrams #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Ukraine #Russia #War
#war #russia #ukraine #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #abrams #tank
How #Spotify Is Quietly Supporting the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Unbeknownst to most users, Spotify has a secret endeavor—backing the efforts of war. https://inthesetimes.com/article/spotify-military-industrial-complex-daniel-ek-prima-materia-helsing
#spotify #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
THE DEEP STATE definitely WANTS 🇺🇸 #AMERICA Destroyed💀
🇺🇸 & #Americans 💀DEAD ☠️
💀Its sooo Obvious!!!
☠️The Deep State
☠️& the #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
☠️are just sooo BeYond EVIL!!!💀
☠️I F hate them💀sooo MUCH!!!
☠️They Are Going to Get ALLL of US KILLED💀 for sure…
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #americans #America