For all the millienials and older, I just had to look up what the word "based" means.
It means 'to be yourself, and not to let people's opinions of you change who you are.'
You are welcome.
Generational Poll. Please boost for more responses.
The system only allows me 4 options (sorry!).
Just let me say, all generations are great! 😀
This is just for fun and curiosity.
#silentgeneration #boomer #BabyBoomer #genx #Millenial #genz #genalpha
I am concerned that we #millennials have not had our due-time in the limelight. Feels like the Xers got way more time than us, and now everyone is in a rush to obsess over #GenZ.
#millennials #genz #Millenial #generationx #generationz #feelinold
Remembering that feeling when you get a new CD album, and you realized there's also featured music videos on the disc so you can watch on your DVD-player or on your computer.
Mm... good times.
#Millenials #Millenial #2000s #00s
As a late #millenial, the Internet has been in my life almost long as I remember. I was an avid user since I was 6-7. This might be #nostalgia speaking but I miss it before #google, #meta and co. took it all. I'm tired of #monetization, tired of #commodification of human emotions and relations. Tired of existing on the #web2 for the sole purpose of being datamined. It's time to move forward.
#Millenial #nostalgia #google #meta #monetization #commodification #web2
@joshuagooch @jjhysell So, I actually think about this question a lot -- traumatizing students with climate fiction. I have so far had the opposite experience, that they've (in their words) "grown up with this stuff" and are tougher than their #GenX and #Millenial profs!