Now Listening:
Lovely Little Records
A fascinating compilation of the state of experimental electronic music in 1980. Everyone on the record either taught at or studied at #MillsCollege.
John Bischoff was a founding member of The Hub and taught at Mills for ages.
Paul Demarinis is a Mills alum, who has done amazing work with text. (This computer work is 1980!!)
Phil Haromic was a Mills alum and also the housemate of my MA thesis advisor. I wish I'd met him, but alas, he did not survive the AIDS crisis.
Frankie Mann was an early adopter of computer controlled synthesis. I know of her because John Bischoff told me to to look her up. This is one of the only things I've found.
Maggi Payne is a Mills alum and the former director of CCM at Mills. She was my composition teacher.
Blue Gene Tyranny was a teacher at Mills and also a member of the Once group in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His work is extremely influential, especially on piano.
#MillsCollege #MillsMusic #SaveMills #SaveCCM
Now listening:
OM Live: Inner Cities 8 from Other Minds Records
Thoughtful piano music from #MillsCollege's long term composer in residence.
#MillsCollege #MillsMusic #SaveMills #SaveCCM
These iconic pieces by Pauline Oliveros were made at the San Francisco Tape Music Centre and the Centre for Contemporary Music at #MillsCollege.
Oliveros wrote: "I was deeply impressed by the sounds from the frog pond outside the studio window at Mills. I loved the accompaniment as I worked on my pieces. Though I never recorded the frogs I was of course influenced by their music."
This is just the time of year that the fogs would be singing. It was an incredible accompaniment to the Moog when I was there.
Mills still has all the synthesisers and equipment used to make these pieces, all accessible to students.
#MillsMusic #MillsCollege #SaveCCM #SaveMills
Now listening:
medusae from Chad McKinney and Curtis McKinney
Experimental digital noise from identical twins and mills alumni Chad and Curtis McKinney. The softness of drone, the aggression of glitch, synthesised into a whole.
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