" . . . one of the foundations of Buddhism is the idea of right livelihood, which entails engaging in trades or occupations that cause minimal harm to other living beings. And yet in the literature of mindfulness as stress reduction for business, we’ve seen no suggestion that employees ought to think about—be mindful of—whether they or the company they work for practice right livelihood." - White
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Buddhism
An interesting continuation playlist on Collective Awakening from Deer Park https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm9_3psBwxqOb1MOHuyNTUHLji92Coi2R
#ThichNhatHanh #Dharma #CollectiveAwakening #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #collectiveawakening #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
“Cherishing our precious Earth–falling in love with the Earth – is not an obligation. It is a matter of personal and collective happiness and survival.” - #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #CollectiveAwakening #ClimateChange #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #collectiveawakening #climatechange #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
It is interesting to see #ThichNhatHanh discuss the need for collective awakening, and climate change and how we need to push and turn things around by 2030 https://youtu.be/ZgxMAvq4Iac. This looks like it took place in 2009.
#Dharma #CollectiveAwakening #ClimateChange #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #collectiveawakening #climatechange #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
“Cherishing our precious Earth–falling in love with the Earth – is not an obligation. It is a matter of personal and collective happiness and survival.” - #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"We have constructed a system we can't control. It imposes itself on us, and we become its slaves and victims. We have created a society in which the rich become richer and the poor become poorer, and in which we are so caught up in our own immediate problems that we cannot afford to be aware of what is going on with the rest of the human family or our planet Earth." - #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
We don’t have time to live deeply and touch the true nature of what is there, to understand what life is. We are too busy to have the time to breathe, to sit, to rest." ― Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet by #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Breath #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #breath #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"We’ve pushed our body too hard, and so tension and pain have accumulated. We’ve been neglecting our body so long, it may be lonely. Our body has wisdom, and we need to give ourselves a chance to hear it."
The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now by #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"If we listen carefully, we can hear our body telling us all the time what it does and does not need. Although its voice is very clear, we seem to have lost our capacity to listen to it."
The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now by #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"Most of us still need to learn how to take care of our physical body. We need to learn how to relax and how to sleep. We need to learn how to eat and consume in such a way that our body can be healthy, light, and at ease."
The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now by #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"We need to rebel. We need to declare, 'I don’t want to continue like this! This is not a life. I don’t have enough time to live. I don’t have enough time to love.'”
The Art of Living: Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now by #ThichNhatHanh
#Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
Waking up this morning, I smile.
Twenty-four brand new hours are before me.
I vow to live fully in each moment
and to look at all beings with the eyes of compassion.
#Gatha #Dharma #Mindfulnes #Meditation #PlumVillage #Buddhism
#thichnhathanh #Gatha #dharma #Mindfulnes #meditation #PlumVillage #buddhism
"Washing the dishes
is like bathing a baby Buddha.
The profane is the sacred.
Everyday mind is Buddha’s mind." - #ThichNhatHanh
#PlumVillage #Mindfulnes #Gatha #dharma #thichnhathanh