RT @ItalyUN_NY: Great turnout at the Mine Action Symposium & successful opening of the multi-media exhibition “Mine Action Cannot Wait”, promoted by @UNMAS with 🇮🇹🇩🇪🇺🇸 to commemorate #MineAwarenessDay & foster mine action.
Come and visit it until May 15!
#IMAD2023 #MineActionCannotWait
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1643689781845450763
#MineAwarenessDay #IMAD2023 #MineActionCannotWait
On #MineAwarenessDay, we remember the story of Mohammed Ibrahim, an Afghan farmer, who was injured by a mine while irrigating his land.
Together with our partner @TheHALOTrust in Afghanistan, we work to make farming safer for him and for others.
#MineActionCannotWait #IMAD2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eu_echo/status/1643195337916444672
#MineAwarenessDay #MineActionCannotWait #IMAD2023
RT @BelgiumUN: Today is #MineAwarenessDay.
🇧🇪 @BelgiumDefence has been demining in 16 countries over the past 75 years, currently providing a team of instructors to train UN 🇺🇳 contingents worldwide.
Mines need to be banned & victims have to be assisted. ✋
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1643346277449474049
RT @EU_ECHO: On #MineAwarenessDay, we remember the story of Mohammed Ibrahim, an Afghan farmer, who was injured by a mine while irrigating his land.
Together with our partner @TheHALOTrust in Afghanistan, we work to make farming safer for him and for others.
#MineActionCannotWait #IMAD2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUatUN/status/1643314543144083469
#MineAwarenessDay #MineActionCannotWait #IMAD2023
#MineAwarenessDay highlights the dangers that mines still represent as well as importance of demining efforts.
🇪🇺 is one of largest donors in support of efforts for mine-free 🇧🇦, with approx. €56 mio for demining & other #MineAction.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/eubih/status/1643279143646134272
Mines are part of the worst consequences of armed conflicts. Demining is key for the reconstruction process. On #MineAwarenessDay we honour the courage & determination of deminers 🌎wide & commemorate those who have lost their lives in mine affected areas. #MineActionCanNotWait
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1643209049578635266
#MineAwarenessDay #MineActionCannotWait
RT @MJvanDeelenEU: Today on International Day for Mine Awareness, the #EU calls for a world free from landmines and unexploded remnants of war. #IMAD2023
Let’s place human life, dignity and rights at the core of our work and honour the courageous deminers worldwide #MineAwarenessDay
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/euunvie/status/1643203952203137024
#EU #IMAD2023 #MineAwarenessDay
RT @OEVPinEuropa: Weite Landstriche der #Ukraine, wo Truppen #Putin-Russlands gewütet haben, sind vermint. Für die herausfordernde Minen-Entschärfung wird europäische Hochtechnologie gefragt sein und Menschenleben retten, sagt @lukasmandl.
#MineAwarenessDay #IMAD2023
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/lukasmandl/status/1643185079424827397
#Ukraine #Putin #MineAwarenessDay #IMAD2023
📌 International #MineAwarenessDay 📅
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_AVService/status/1643159765466378241
RT @EUDepAmbAFG: Today is international #MineAwarenessDay.
A day to remember mine victims and survivors in #Afghanistan.
A day to thank all the brave aid workers and our partners who clear land of remnants of war.
A day to remember the importance of working towards a mine-free world.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinAfghanistan/status/1643218259993559040
#MineAwarenessDay #Afghanistan
RT @MZEZ_RS: MZEZ @tfajon se pridružuje aktivnostim ob dnevu ozaveščanja o nevarnosti min #MineAwarenessDay.
Leta 1998 je bil na pobudo @vladaRS ustanovljen @ITFsi, ki izvaja projekte čiščenja eksplozivnih sredstev na ogroženih območjih in se zavzema za krepitev človekove varnosti.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/tfajon/status/1643197524440756225
RT @ECHO_Asia: This week marked #MineAwarenessDay day. Since the coup in Myanmar, landmines & unexploded ordnance are an increasing threat to civilians. 30% of casualties are children. @EU_ECHO supports landmine risk education & victim assistance & calls for unimpeded access to people in need.
RT @PLinUN: #MineAwarenessDay #IMAD2022 exhibit #SafeGround #SafeSteps #SafeHome is on display at @UN HQ Visitors’ Lobby in #NYC until 17 June 2022 or can be watched online at 👉 https://www.un.org/en/exhibits/exhibit/safe-ground-safe-steps-safe-home.
@PLinUN 🇵🇱 is proud to have contributed to this project!
#MineAwarenessDay #IMAD2022 #SafeGround #SafeSteps #SafeHome #nyc
RT @ECHO_turkey: Aisha fled the war in Syria in 2013.
On the way to Turkey, her husband stepped on a landmine and lost a leg.
After completing an EU-funded training by
@DRC_ngo, Aisha is now teaching people how to protect themselves from mines.
RT @antonioguterres: In Ukraine, the legacy of a single month of war – in the form of unexploded ordnance, landmines, & cluster munitions – will take decades to tackle.
On #MineAwarenessDay, I call on all countries to accede to the Mine Ban Convention without delay.
🔹أرض آمنة
🔹 بيوت آمنة
🔹 حياة آمنة
العديد من الأسلحة المتفجرة لا تنفجر عند الاصطدام ، وتلوث الأرض بالذخائر المتفجرة.
دعونا نحافظ على المجتمعات المحلية آمنة. 🙏
#MineAwarenessDay #InternationalMineAwarenessDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1510938507556106246
#IMAD2022 #MineAwarenessDay #InternationalMineAwarenessDay
🔹Safe Ground
🔹Safe Home
🔹Safe Lives
Many explosive weapons fail to explode upon impact, contaminating the land with explosive ordnance.
Let's keep local communities safe. 🙏
#MineAwarenessDay #InternationalMineAwarenessDay
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1510937569273557001
#IMAD2022 #MineAwarenessDay #InternationalMineAwarenessDay
RT @EU_ECHO: Explosive remnants of war are deadly.
To help children in south Armenia stay clear from mines and unexploded ordnance, the EU supports @Acontraelhambre in organising mine risk awareness sessions like this one. 👇
RT @EU_ECHO: ⚠️ The 2020 Karabakh conflict has left dangerous traces behind: explosive remnants of war. Children are especially at risk.
Thanks to EU funding, @UNICEF provides kids in Azerbaijan with life-saving information on how to protect themselves. #MineAwarenessDay
RT @antonioguterres: In Ukraine, the legacy of a single month of war – in the form of unexploded ordnance, landmines, & cluster munitions – will take decades to tackle.
On #MineAwarenessDay, I call on all countries to accede to the Mine Ban Convention without delay.