I ran a version of the #Dolmenwood scenario Winter's Daughter in #MiniBX and I've finally gotten round to publishing my conversion notes, pre-gens and suggestions for streamlining the scenario for one-shot/convention play https://www.theerapture.com/playsets/minibx/winters-daughter/
I am running a session of #MiniBX at #VirtualGrogmeet soon. There are spaces available if you are interested. https://warhorn.net/events/virtual-grogmeet-2023/manage/schedule/sessions/f5ecd4e9-708d-4ae2-bc04-239f1ec7c09d
The first thing to know about the CHEATS System is that it's not just another gaming system. It's so much less than that!
I've used it with several different dice resolution schemes. I will tinker with that forever.
It is pretentiously and aggressively backronymed from its PC building blocks:
It is influenced by everything I've ever read but specifically by #Risus #BladesInTheDark #HarmonyDrive and #MiniBX .
#risus #bladesinthedark #harmonydrive #MiniBX #cheatssystem #ttrpg #ttrpgDesign
I've talked here and there about #MiniBX and it came up in the discussion sometimes that the cost of the whole MiniBX project was too expensive (USD 30). I can understand people can have a problem with that.
But today, @lucasrolim has just published its #SRD under the terms of the #creativecommons CC-BY-SA License, freely available for your greatest pleasure, via: https://lucasrolim.itch.io/minibx-srd
(But I may warn you: this is definitely not a retroclone of ye olde B/X, this is a thing on its own)
J'avais déjà parlé de #MiniBX ici et là, et un des reproches que je pouvais parfaitement entendre était que le projet complet MiniBX coûtait 30 USD, ce qui pouvait paraître excessif.
Si le projet est toujours au même prix sur Itch, Lucas Rolim vient de publier le #SRD, librement téléchargeable, Licence #creativecommons CC-BY-SA
(mais je te préviens, si tu connais B/X, tu risques de ne pas du tout reconnaître tes petits)
Bientôt une VF ? (cough cough)
I've realised that I played a lot more stuff than I have any hope of writing up in a end of year post.
Okay so my favourite games of the year were #MiniBX, #Kanabo, #Skorne and #VaultsOfVaarn. I also played and loved a lot of #MorkBorg and #DeathInSpace but I think I'd be more interested in hacking the system for my own settings next year instead of playing them straight again (probably true for #CyBorg as well).
#MiniBX #kanabo #skorne #VaultsofVaarn #MorkBorg #DeathinSpace #cyborg
XBinim est un supplément compatible avec MiniBX. Mais de l'avis de son auteur, c'est :
> Like a Wario of MiniBX, or a Waluigi of BX. A negation of a negation of a negation.
le "selling point" ici, c'est une nouvelle classe de perso : le gang de gobz.