Mini-LED. 4K. 160Hz. MSRP $800 - and sale price as low as $679.
That's the Innocn 27M2V. Given everything it offers at such a low price, you might expect there to be a catch. And, well...there's not one, or not much of one. It's a beautiful display.
#pcmonitor #monitors #displaytech #miniled #pcgaming
#pcmonitor #monitors #displaytech #MiniLED #pcgaming
Secondo #RossYoung, CEO di Display Supply Chain Consultants, #Apple avrebbe abbandonato i piani per realizzare un #iMac con schermo #miniLED e #ProMotion da 27 pollici
#RossYoung #apple #imac #MiniLED #promotion
書きました! / Apple、iPad Pro 12.9インチモデルに暗雲? ミニLEDの生産上の問題で供給制限がかけられる!? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#Apple #iPadPro #miniLED #rumors
#rumors #MiniLED #ipadpro #apple