Something very satisfying about the #NorthStarFigs #Miniatures. I boil it down to a bit of elegant simplicity. #Minis are beautiful, the figures within each range feel all belong together, but manage to be individual and carry the “right” amount of detail so they are still lovely to explore.
Think I’ll paint these up, look at an opposing 20-ish Dwarf force, and get a wee refresher/intro game in with someone.
#Wargames #Wargaming #Hobby #Miniature #MiniatureWargames #Tabletop #TabletopGames
#northstarfigs #miniatures #minis #wargames #wargaming #Hobby #miniature #MiniatureWargames #tabletop #tabletopgames
From a blog of covering #Warhammer #EnglishCivilWar ( “it feels like a game of Warhammer that utilises English Civil War figures.”
Yeah, that took me less than no time to go and find a copy…
#WarhammerCommunity #WarGaming #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming
#warhammer #EnglishCivilWar #warhammercommunity #wargaming #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming
Duch Cold War infantry and GB Challenger 1 tanks for #sevendaystotheriverrhine #greatescapegames #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming #red3miniatures
#sevendaystotheriverrhine #greatescapegames #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming #red3miniatures
Latest project: unit of KNIL 19th century for the Aceh War, Dutch East Indies. Models from Perry Miniatures, converted from British Zulu War.
#miniatures #wargaming #Miniaturewargaming #MiniatureWargames
#miniatures #wargaming #Miniaturewargaming #MiniatureWargames
Resisting the urge to take some concepts from the old Battle Masters game, eliminate the proprietary component reliance on cards, specialty dice, and specialized decks (cannon and ogre) and design basic historical miniatures wargame rules with plug-in optional rules customized to each period (particularly the periods I game). #Wargames #MiniatureWargames
Well dang, that's a whole Roman legion painted in a day! Only *slightly* cheated by it being in 2mm scale :)
Still need to add magnetic label to the back there.
#2mmGaming #Wargames #MiniatureWargames #HistoricalWargaming #ValorAndFortitude #Warbases #AceniMiniatures #PaintingMiniatures
#2mmgaming #wargames #MiniatureWargames #historicalwargaming #valorandfortitude #warbases #aceniminiatures #paintingminiatures
Has anyone tried the Warlord Games epic roads and rivers? especially tempted by the rivers as they'd be quite easy to jazz up with water texture etc. #wargaming #MiniatureWargames #MiniaturePainting
#wargaming #MiniatureWargames #miniaturepainting