We have come for you! 🦇 Finally got around to start painting up my ancient Terminator Sorcerer and as I'm currently listening to the Night Lords trilogy it felt fitting to paint him up in midnight clad.
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #nightlords40k #nightlords #terminators #wargaming #miniaturewargaming #miniaturespainting
#warhammer #warhammercommunity #warhammer40k #nightlords40k #nightlords #terminators #wargaming #Miniaturewargaming #miniaturespainting
GREL done. Need to let them cure til I can varnish them, then do the basing and some light weathering. That'll pretty much complete my Terran Colonial Expeditionary Force.
I wanted to replicate the artwork from the old #heavygear books (see ref pic). In particular, I wanted to make sure I didn't wash them out or over darken them, but also not clash with my weathered tanks by going too cartoony.
#miniatures #minipainting #miniaturewargaming #heavygearblitz #warmongers
#heavygear #miniatures #minipainting #Miniaturewargaming #heavygearblitz #warmongers
Played a game of #dropfleetcommander yesterday, 1k PHR vs some shamefully underpainted (except for two cruisers) Scourge. We had been meaning to get this back on the table for a while, as we like the models and the rules for the most part. #TTCombat really fouled up the burnthrough lasers last week, so we had to houserule that. And the PHR broadsides. ... And ground combat (but we always do that).
I swear it's actually fun.
#miniaturewargaming #wargaming #wargames #warmongers #dropfleet
#dropfleetcommander #ttcombat #Miniaturewargaming #wargaming #wargames #warmongers #dropfleet
Test piece, a GREL clone soldier of the Colonial Expeditionary Force of Old Terra for #heavygearblitz 1:144th, but 10ft tall in the setting, so basically 15mm. I kept myself to 6 colors max, because I need to paint a whole platoon of them, and I think the only bit that needs drybrushed is the weapon; it's coming off a little flat.
#miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming #wargames #wargaming #heavygear #warmongers
#heavygearblitz #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #Miniaturewargaming #wargames #wargaming #heavygear #warmongers
Y'all I need more sci-fi miniature wargaming blogs to add to my RSS reader. Cool models, battle reports, scenery, any scale (though bonus points for sub-28mm).
Links please. Doesn't have to be yours.
#wargames #wargaming #warmongers #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #miniaturewargaming #6mm #10mm #15mm
#wargames #wargaming #warmongers #miniatures #minipainting #miniaturepainting #Miniaturewargaming #6mm #10mm #15mm
The Ancient Realms Siege Engine Kickstarter is now live!
This campaign will run for two weeks. Get in now and kickstart your collection of besieging doom!
#PaintingWarhammer #Tabletop #MiniatureWargaming #WHFB #MiniatureKickstarter
#paintingwarhammer #tabletop #Miniaturewargaming #whfb #miniaturekickstarter
Got 4 of my warband members painted this weekend! Quite proud of myself!
#morkborg #forbiddenpsalm #miniatures #miniaturespainting #wargaming #frostgrave #anvilindustry #tabletopgames #kitbash #miniaturewargaming
#MorkBorg #ForbiddenPsalm #miniatures #miniaturespainting #wargaming #frostgrave #anvilindustry #tabletopgames #kitbash #Miniaturewargaming
From a blog of covering #Warhammer #EnglishCivilWar (https://www.keepyourpowderdry.co.uk/2023/01/warhammer-english-civil-war.html?m=1) “it feels like a game of Warhammer that utilises English Civil War figures.”
Yeah, that took me less than no time to go and find a copy…
#WarhammerCommunity #WarGaming #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming
#warhammer #EnglishCivilWar #warhammercommunity #wargaming #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming
Duch Cold War infantry and GB Challenger 1 tanks for #sevendaystotheriverrhine #greatescapegames #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming #red3miniatures
#sevendaystotheriverrhine #greatescapegames #MiniatureWargames #Miniaturewargaming #red3miniatures
Latest project: unit of KNIL 19th century for the Aceh War, Dutch East Indies. Models from Perry Miniatures, converted from British Zulu War.
#miniatures #wargaming #Miniaturewargaming #MiniatureWargames
#miniatures #wargaming #Miniaturewargaming #MiniatureWargames
I had no clue about the background of #zonaalfa but after hearing about its background on #fortifiednichepodcast I've been listening to the Roadside Picnic audio book while painting....it's pretty good!!
#miniaturewargaming #osprey #ospreypublishing #ospreygames #ospreywargames
#zonaalfa #fortifiednichepodcast #Miniaturewargaming #osprey #ospreypublishing #ospreygames #ospreywargames
The Flick Through video for Wargames Illustrated Issue 419 is on the channel.
#wargamesillustrated #issue419 #wargaming #warmongers #japanese #wwii #napoleonics #newreleases #zombies #ancients #scifi #modern #miniaturewargaming
#wargamesillustrated #issue419 #wargaming #warmongers #japanese #wwii #Napoleonics #newreleases #zombies #Ancients #scifi #modern #Miniaturewargaming
Lots of progress on the bug! Still haven't thought of a unit name, but the model itself is coming along. 2 mushrooms left, gap filling, and last checks 😊
Such a fun project and I am so glad to be getting this faction up off the ground finally! I'm excited to get to the next units! More to come + lore :)
#ageofsigmar #warhammer #warhammercommunity #WarhamFam #40k #warhammer40k #warhammerageofsigmar #paintingminiatures #greenstuff #aos #miniaturewargaming #minipainting
#ageofsigmar #warhammer #warhammercommunity #warhamFam #40k #warhammer40k #warhammerageofsigmar #paintingminiatures #greenstuff #aos #Miniaturewargaming #minipainting
And a gallery of some recent historical games that I’ve put on with friends from the Morris & Chums group at the Partizan Show in Newark on Trent, UK #PartizanShow #NewarkIrregulars #HistoricalWargaming #28mmWargaming #MidgardHeroicBattles #MedievalWargaming #WargamingInTheDarkAges #wargames #28mmMiniatures #MiniatureWargaming #miniatures #UKWargaming #TooFatLardies #toofatlardies
#partizanshow #newarkirregulars #historicalwargaming #28mmwargaming #midgardheroicbattles #medievalwargaming #wargaminginthedarkages #wargames #28mmminiatures #Miniaturewargaming #miniatures #ukwargaming #toofatlardies
Thursday afternoon we played a naval action set during the Spanish Civil War. Despite valiant torpedo attacks by the Republican destroyer captains, the Insurgents unfortunately crippled two cruisers and got their convoy through. But it was a fun game and I had the opportunity to try some home-made rules for command & control. #navalwargaming #miniaturewargaming
#navalwargaming #Miniaturewargaming
I went to the #TitanOwnersClub Titan walk last weekend and met this awesome monstrosity made by Goddenzilla (IG)
Had to take a selfie with it. 😃🤘🏻
#WarhammerCommunity #AdeptusTitanicus
#Warmongers #Warmaidens #Waranthem
#Warwardens #HorusHeresy #Warhammer40k #Warhammer30k #PaintingTitans #PaintingKnights
#PaintingWarhammer #PaintingForgeworld
#PaintingMiniatures #Miniatures #MiniatureWargaming
#Hobby #Wargames #Wargaming
#ShareTheHobbyLove #GamesWorkshop #ForgeWorld
#TitanOwnersClub #warhammercommunity #adeptustitanicus #warmongers #warmaidens #Waranthem #Warwardens #horusheresy #warhammer40k #warhammer30k #paintingtitans #paintingknights #paintingwarhammer #paintingforgeworld #paintingminiatures #miniatures #Miniaturewargaming #Hobby #wargames #wargaming #sharethehobbylove #gamesworkshop #ForgeWorld #fullypaintedisforclosers
Chunking away at a little scenery. #BlackPowder #MiniatureWargaming
#BlackPowder #Miniaturewargaming
This weekend I teached the very basic rules for #battletech to a friend. Hopefully I can foster a local Battletech group soon
#tabletopgames #wargaming #boardgames #miniaturegaming #Miniaturewargaming
#battletech #tabletopgames #wargaming #boardgames #miniaturegaming #Miniaturewargaming
Another two Roman cavalry done. So I've just the leader left to do before basing the whole group. The white plumes work better imho, but not so much that I'll bother repainting the others. All in all the whole group might feaure a little too much red but we'll see when it's all ready and based. #wargaming #tabletopgames #miniatures #Miniaturewargaming #paintingminis #paintingminiatures
#wargaming #tabletopgames #miniatures #Miniaturewargaming #paintingminis #paintingminiatures