"Those who won't take advice can't be helped, the bourgeois used to say, with advice that costs nothing, to buy themselves out of the obligation to help, and at the same time to gain power over the helpless person who had turned to them."
fuel for my growing anti-psychology sentiment
#Adorno #criticaltheory #MinimaMoralia
Since I'm also a #musicologist, I've kind of waited for the appropriate moment for #adorno, to like get to know the guy's thinking for real. I am familiar with the dude, done some reading circles, occasional #MinimaMoralia here, #DialecticsOfEnlightment there. But now I've thought of aiming for the big fish: #NegativeDialectics and #AestheticalTheory. Like, get wasted with dodechaphony, atonality, and some #FreudMarxEngels stuff!
#musicologist #adorno #MinimaMoralia #DialecticsOfEnlightment #NegativeDialectics #AestheticalTheory #FreudMarxEngels