RT Greens/EFA in the EU Parliament 🌍
Everyone must have a decent income that covers their costs!
We need a #MinimumIncome above poverty line, quality jobs, proper rights to platform workers, to #BanUnpaidInternships & to support trade unions to protect #WorkersRights.
Join & get a poster https://greens.eu/3rrW9C6 https://t.co/bsT6Cxsx13
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1681935584615333888
#MinimumIncome #BanUnpaidInternships #workersrights
RT @Nclosing123: @EU_Commission How much hypocrisy from those who have not implemented the European Directive on #minimumincome requested by the Parliament!
Hoping to have in the year2024 a new Commission managed by the @GreensEFA, the only one defending the rights of EU citizens!
@msaraswati for President🙂
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1652943894483550209
RT @europeangreens: ✊ For #LabourDay, we interviewed @GreensEFA MEP @msaraswati from our member party @groen on her work as rapporteur for the EU #MinimumIncome Directive adopted by the @europarl_en in March:
“This vote was a real victory!”
Read the interview 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1652943826145751041
RT @Eurodiaconia: The adoption of the resolution on adequate minimum income is a fact! This is a crucial step towards ensuring social protection and reducing poverty across Europe. Read more here 👉 https://bitly.ws/BHjz #MinimumIncome #SocialProtection #EU
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1636657012619476992
#MinimumIncome #socialprotection #EU
RT @PDE_EDP: No more social exclusion: we need to ensure a #minimumincome for all that is adequate in each country. We also need to coordinate our approaches to make sure that we strengthen policies encouraging people’s return to employment. This is the Europe that we want.
@max_orville 🇫🇷
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/sandrogozi/status/1636369104616452096
👏 We join @TheProgressives call for urgent action beyond the recommendation and for an effective 🇪🇺 regulatory framework for #MinimumIncome.
More from rapporteur @annekarjalainen
👉 https://pes.cor.europa.eu/article/minimum-income-strong-safety-net-ensure-life-dignity-all
RT @TheProgressives: We made it! 💪💪
Today, the EP called for a European law to ensure an adequate minimum income in all member states.
Binding measures are vital to ensure that people in need…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/PES_CoR/status/1635998672130383873
💪La vittoria di oggi al @europarl_it sancisce il diritto a un reddito di cittadinanza obbligatorio e sopra soglia di povertà (che non è il #MIA targato Meloni).
🎯Prossima tappa:
un reddito minimo obbligatorio in UE
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/rosadamato634/status/1636074652786122752
O salario mínimo obrigatorio a nivel europeo para garantir os mínimos vitais é unha demanda feita dende moitos colectivos sociais, sindicatos. @obloque @BNG_ParlEuropa tamén votamos a favor. Non así a dereita. Que cada quen saque as súas conclusións
RT @social_platform: 👏👏👏 it passed!
@europarl_en has just adopted the resolution on adequate #MinimumIncome, including the call for a much needed 🇪🇺 directive!
A big thank you to all MEPs who took a stand against in…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/anamirandapaz/status/1636034801097490435
That was close! 😢 Greens & Socialists & Left in majority - is this a new situation in @europarl_en?
RT @CSOGroupEESC: Today's European Parliament votes for minimum income and active inclusion - this is a vote in favour of leaving no one behind.
🗣️Our president @smsboland on the adoption of the @europarl_en's resolution on #MinimumIncome
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msojdrova/status/1635981959317839872
We made it! A huge win for people🥳🎉
The European Parliament supports a directive that requires member states to set their #MinimumIncome above the poverty line.
So that no one has to live in poverty in the EU.💚
Thank you our @msaraswati for your hard work!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1636012091579461634
Wer für soziale Gerechtigkeit steht, #Armutsbekämpfung ernst stimmt in der #EU
Schaut hier:⤵️ #IchBinArmutsBetroffen #Poverty #Armut #EUGrundeinkommen
RT @GreensEFA: We made it! A huge win for people🥳🎉
The European Parliament supports a directive that requires member states to set their #MinimumIncome above the poverty line.
So that no one has to live in poverty in the EU.💚
Thank you our @msaraswati for your hard work!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1636019728601825284
#Armutsbekämpfung #EU #IchBinArmutsbetroffen #poverty #Armut #EUGrundeinkommen #MinimumIncome #socialjustice
RT @ESNsocial: ESN welcomes today's @europarl_en resolution on #minimumincome, recognising the need for personalised support which should include access-enabling services relating to childcare, education, health, housing, and long-term #care in order to ensure everyone's #socialinclusion
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1636028952379641857
#MinimumIncome #CARE #socialinclusion
RT @Youth_Forum: Today’s @europarl_en vote on #MinimumIncome is a big step towards real improvements in living conditions across the EU 💶
What's next? We want to see the push for an EU directive ensuring minimum #income for everyone, lifting young people out of poverty ✊
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1636023398852640771
#MinimumIncome #income #ForYouthRights
RT @GreensEFA: We made it! A huge win for people🥳🎉
The European Parliament supports a directive that requires member states to set their #MinimumIncome above the poverty line.
So that no one has to live in poverty in the EU.💚
Thank you our @msaraswati for your hard work!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/msaraswati/status/1636019068917497856
RT @social_platform: 👏👏👏 it passed!
@europarl_en has just adopted the resolution on adequate #MinimumIncome, including the call for a much needed 🇪🇺 directive!
A big thank you to all MEPs who took a stand against inequality & voted to get everyone #OvertheLine!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1635985400652021760
RT @CSOGroupEESC: Today's European Parliament votes for minimum income and active inclusion - this is a vote in favour of leaving no one behind.
🗣️Our president @smsboland on the adoption of the @europarl_en's resolution on #MinimumIncome
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/WorkersEESC/status/1635985338282778632
RT @GreensEFA: We made it! A huge win for people🥳🎉
The European Parliament supports a directive that requires member states to set their #MinimumIncome above the poverty line.
So that no one has to live in poverty in the EU.💚
Thank you our @msaraswati for your hard work!
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/TerryReintke/status/1636018202533658624
RT @k_langensiepen@twitter.com
Gute Abstimmung für #Armutsbekämpfung in der #EU 💪:
Das EU-Parlament fordert eine bindende #Richtlinie, die Mitgliedstaaten animieren soll, #Mindesteinkommen oberhalb der Armutsgrenze zu garantieren.
#MinimumIncome #EPlenary #SocialEurope
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/k_langensiepen/status/1635985890949447682
#armutsbekampfung #eu #richtlinie #Mindesteinkommen #MinimumIncome #eplenary #SocialEurope
Gute Abstimmung für #Armutsbekämpfung in der #EU 💪:
Das EU-Parlament fordert eine bindende #Richtlinie, die Mitgliedstaaten animieren soll, #Mindesteinkommen oberhalb der Armutsgrenze zu garantieren.
#MinimumIncome #EPlenary #SocialEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/k_langensiepen/status/1635985890949447682
#Armutsbekämpfung #EU #RICHTLINIE #Mindesteinkommen #MinimumIncome #EPlenary #SocialEurope
Voted !!
RT @GreensEFA: Only 2 EU countries guarantee a minimum income above the poverty line😱
We call for a directive that sets #MinimumIncome at 60% of the median income per EU country, so that no one has to live in poverty.
The #EPlenary votes tomorrow.
🔴Watch the debate: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/plenary/en/home.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1635977655190278144