Something to think about on #LaborDay weekend: The purchasing power of the 1968 #MinimumWage in the #UnitedStates was almost twice of what it is today.
#unitedstates #MinimumWage #laborday
How We Forgot the “Jobs” Part of the #MarchOnWashington for #Jobs and Freedom
The #antiracism of #MartinLutherKing Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech has overshadowed the demands for #economic justice at the historic 1963 #protest.
There was 10-point list called “What We Demand.”
Seven is “a massive federal program to train and place all #unemployed workers — Negro and white"
Eight is “a national #minimumwage act that will give all Americans a decent #StandardOfLiving"
#marchonwashington #jobs #antiracism #MartinLutherKing #economic #protest #unemployed #MinimumWage #standardofliving
The LezWatch.TV character of the day is Amal from “Minimum Wage“ - #MinimumWage #LWTVcotd
#EurofoundTopics week on #MinimumWage concludes with this vitally important quote from Eurofound's Christine Aumayr.
📍 Read more from Christine in her article 'Minimum wage hikes struggle to offset inflation' from early this year:
RT Eurofound
How much has the #MinimumWage increased in your country in the last year?
📊 Take a look below, and read our annual review of minimum wages in Europe 2023 here:
Rev. William Barber of YDS and the Poor People's Campaign on NPR talking about #poverty, #fairness, and the #minimumwage
#yaledivinityschool #yale #yds #MinimumWage #fairness #poverty
'Time for Congress to Act': Sanders, Scott Unveil $17 Federal Minimum Wage Bill
"Raising the federal wage floor is the single most efficient, effective—and wildly popular—bipartisan tool we have to deliver economic stability to working people," said one supporter of the legislation.
Sen. Bernie Sanders and Congressman Scott formally introduced the Raise the Wage Act of 2023, which would increase the federal hourly minimum wage from $7.25 to $17 by 2028.
@KimCrayton1 Yeah, like WTF?
A living #MinimumWage is absolutely fundamental and IMHO is already a graceful #compromize between "#EatTheRich & #SeizeTheMeans!" on one side and #UniversalBasicIncome / #UBI on the other...
*Not shure if he reflected upon this shit take or just deleted it as an acto of cowardice*
#ubi #universalbasicincome #seizethemeans #eattherich #compromize #MinimumWage
@RochelleWinsLife also #France has mandatory #Healthcare, #PaidVacation, paid #ParentalLeave and actual #SocialSecurity as well as a living #MinimumWage yet neither are the margins worse for McD nor do they not make a shitload of money...
#MinimumWage #socialsecurity #parentalleave #paidvacation #Healthcare #France
«Uber, GrubHub among delivery apps suing NYC over delivery worker wages»
#MinimumWage #foodorderingapps #wages #labor
Most Americans earning minimum wage earn less than a Dickensian allegory for destitution
just saying ...
#poverty #MinimumWage #destitution #poor
New minimum pay rates for NYC app-based food delivery workers are delayed - ABC News
>Judge Nicholas Moyne on Friday ordered a temporary delay on enacting the new standard pending a hearing on July 31.
The food delivery giants praised the order. #NewYorkCity #NYC #minimumwage #capitalism #workersrights
#workersrights #Capitalism #MinimumWage #nyc #newyorkcity
If raising the #MinimumWage makes jobs go away, then why aren't there better jobs where the minimum wage is lowest?
If raising the #MinimumWage makes jobs go away, then why aren't there better jobs where the minimum wage is lowest?
Making fair wages a reality across Europe [Promoted content] #agencyworkindustry #employment #labour #Minimumwage #wages
#agencyworkindustry #employment #labour #MinimumWage #wages
bernie · minimum · sanders · wage
#breakingnews #minimumwage #berniesanders
#breakingnews #MinimumWage #berniesanders
Study Shows Large #MinimumWage Hikes Boost Both Earnings and Employment
A working paper unveiled this week by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley shows that large minimum wage increases can have positive effects on both earnings and employment, countering the notion pushed by corporate lobbying groups that significant wage hikes are job killers
Examining nearly 50 large U.S. counties in California and New York whose wage floors reached $15 or higher"
Together with @IvailoKalfin, @MariaJepsenEF and senior Eurofound staff, they discussed the latest research and developments on #WorkingConditions, #MinimumWage, employment, #LabourShortages, and housing 🧵(2/3)
#workingconditions #MinimumWage #labourshortages
The GOP continues to put forth suggestions to cut #socialsecurity #ssi #VeteranBenefits #education #liheap #unemploymentinsurance #medicare #medicaid while also squashing #unions #MinimumWage #VotingRights #accesstomedicalcare . Why do they continue to attack the poor and the working class?
#accesstomedicalcare #VotingRights #MinimumWage #unions #medicaid #medicare #unemploymentinsurance #liheap #Education #veteranbenefits #ssi #socialsecurity