We were reminded of when we read about something that happened in , the . Wikipedia completely mis-characterised the defining moment in our .

Our understanding is Wikipedia do this a lot. Its clearly a 'political tool'.

We could say, believing it is "apolitical" makes one a 'political fool'.

(Yes it rhymes and is the worse attempt at humor today.)

#australia #kevinRuddCoup #history #geopolitics #politics #MiningTax #corporatemedia #rupertmurdoch #informationwarfare #politicalTool #politicalfool

Last updated 2 years ago

Australia once self-identified as the "clever country".

That phrase has completely disappeared. Today we tracked down the exact moment the phrase vanished from the national consciousness…

It was the day we voted in as PM over Kevin Rudd.

#TonyAbbott #kevinRuddCoup #KevinRudd #cleverCountry #australia #auspol #smearcampaigns #nbn #sovereignWealthFund #MiningTax #rupertmurdoch #foreignMeddling

Last updated 2 years ago

@seankearney@mastodon.social @glitchymatrix

He was good on . He even arranged an effective that would go into a for things we genuinely needed, like plans for a real () plan. During the GFC he gave $1000 to each person, swiftly averting the crisis. He was on a tear. He was even able to reduce the number of people coming to Australia to be .

But during the insulation scheme rollout a couple people died and…(6/9)

#julianassange #MiningTax #sovereignWealthFund #nbn #fibreToTheHome #exploited

Last updated 3 years ago

Four of many reasons why was a great PM:

: The loved to hate the due to a few bad actors, but it was a massive success and reduced our by 30%. The still cry out for one.

: Despite publicly supporting a , presided over a big decline in (boosted stealthily by ).

during the - not .

: He tried.

#KevinRudd #australian #InsulationScheme #corporatemedia #pinkBatsScheme #electricityConsumption #usa #LowerImmigration #BigAustralia #rudd #immigration #JohnHoward #MoneyToPeople #gfc #banks #MiningTax

Last updated 5 years ago