“The scandal over government-owned flats in #Islington poses the question ‘how many more are there?’”
by Steve Topple in @thecanaryuk
“A block of #MinistryOfJustice (#MoJ)-owned flats in Islington has been lying empty for years – all while desperate families wait for accommodation. So, campaigners took over the flats in protest – but were met by a ridiculous response from the cops.
The protest highlighted the issue of vacant government residential properties. Moreover, the government doesn’t say how many empty homes it owns – and all the while, people live through a housing crisis.”
#ToryHousingCrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern
#Islington #MinistryofJustice #moj #ToryHousingCrisis #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryCorruption #ToriesUnfitToGovern
RT @TheKoreaHerald@twitter.com
[Exclusive] US envoy in Seoul to press Korea on cross-over child abduction
#US #USenvoy #Korea #SKorea #Seoul #child #abduction #childabduction #Ministry #ministryofjustice #헤이그 #미국 #국무부 #법무부 #한국 #아동탈취 #협약 #국제협약
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TheKoreaHerald/status/1599726078318501888
#국제협약 #협약 #아동탈취 #한국 #법무부 #국무부 #미국 #헤이그 #MinistryofJustice #ministry #ChildAbduction #abduction #child #seoul #skorea #korea #usenvoy #US
Back to my #JournalArticle. I’m writing a section on the demographics of my sample as compared to #MinistryofJustice data and local population data for #swansea. For some reason #YoungOffenders and women are underrepresented at the third sector service I’m attached to
#YoungOffenders #swansea #MinistryofJustice #JournalArticle
"Fostering integrity and preventing corruption in the public sector in #Armenia" project launched a meeting with the #EUD, #CorruptionPreventionCommission, #MinistryofJustice, and other partner organisations 👉https://bit.ly/3RLfgyQ
#Armenia #EUD #corruptionpreventioncommission #MinistryofJustice
London: Protesters gather at Ministry of Justice in solidarity with Kevan Thakrar
Friends and family of Kevan Thakrar came together today to demonstrate in front of the Ministry of Justice in what is another escalation in the fight for justice for Kevan.
Kevan Thakrar is a prisoner th
#Activism #kevanthakrar #London #MinistryofJustice #prisonabolition #PrisonerSupport
#activism #kevanthakrar #london #MinistryofJustice #prisonabolition #prisonersupport