Susan #Sarandon sulla guerra in #Ucraina
"Sono contraria a qualsiasi #guerra. In questo caso è una #guerraperprocura iniziata molto prima della violazione degli accordi #Minsk. Oggi la #Nato mi sembra un po' troppo fuori controllo. Bisogna quanto prima arrivare ad un negoziato riguardo a questo conflitto che sembra fatto solo per indebolire la #Russia per colpire così anche la #Cina. Sono comunque disperata per i tanti morti che questa guerra fa ogni giorno".
#sarandon #ucraina #guerra #GuerraPerProcura #Minsk #NATO #russia #cina
there is some absolutely hilarious footage of some belarusian military demonstration making the round on the web.
#belarus #lukashenko #minsk #military #show
#putin #russia #war #madmax #movie #parody #poster
#slavaukraini i gerom slava.
#kerch .enskiy most rushitsya
and as usual for such topics; salute to all #nafo
#meme #mamema #memes #mastoart (i guess it is ok for this one)
ps: #gimp i love you
#belarus #lukashenko #Minsk #military #show #putin #russia #war #madmax #movie #parody #poster #SlavaUkraini #Kerch #NAFO #meme #mamema #memes #MastoArt #gimp
Despite diplomatic tensions, buses between #Lithuania's capital, #Vilnius, and Belarusian capital #Minsk are running at full capacity. Buses remain the only form of public transport between Lithuania and #Belarus, as trains and flights remain suspended.
#Belarus #Minsk #Vilnius #Lithuania
Although Vilnius in Lithuania and Minsk in Belarus are less than 200 kilometres apart, they are separated by a political and ideological barrier that arose in the last couple of years.
This does not mean, however, that there is no traffic between the two cities. Minsk-bound buses are leaving from Vilnius Bus Station every hour – and travellers are queuing to get a seat.
#WARINUKRAINE #Minsk #Belarus #Vilnius #Lithuania
#Putin ai #soldati: "Avete fermato una guerra civile". La Difesa: “#Wagner consegnerà all’esercito le #armi pesanti”. L'aereo di #Prigozhin è atterrato a #Minsk.
#crisirussa #Putin #soldati #wagner #armi #Prigozhin #Minsk
#Ucraina, #Minsk: 'Iniziate le consegne delle #armi #nucleari tattiche russe' |
#russia #Bielorussia #ucraina #Minsk #armi #nucleari
L’Ungheria preme per la riammissione di Minsk nel mercato dell’UE #AlexanderLukashenko #Bielorussia #Minsk #Ungheria
#alexanderlukashenko #Bielorussia #Minsk #ungheria
Sofia #Sapega received consent to extradition to the #Russian Federation.
This was announced by a representative of the #Russian Embassy in #Minsk, who visited her in the colony.
Sapega is a political prisoner who was arrested on May 23, 2021 in Minsk, along with former…
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Der kleine Möchtegernputin da in #Minsk sollte sich zurückhalten mit Forderungen nach Waffenruhen oder mit nuklearen Bränden drohen. #Lukaschenko
RT @AlexKokcharov
In #Belarus, direct passenger flights from #Bagdhad to #Minsk by Iraqi Airways are re-launching from 29 March.
There have been no such flights since December 2021.
Expect another wave of migrants attempting to cross the borders of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia illegally.
While mocking #Kyiv's alleged earlier attempts to sign a non-aggression pact with #Minsk under the auspices of the UN, Lukashenka nevertheless emphasized that #Belarus has no intention of entering the war. 4/5
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"Four Belarusian Women Who Criticised Government Get Long Jail Terms at Closed Trials" #journalism #Minsk #humanrights
#Journalism #Minsk #HumanRights
Since the beginning of February, Lieutenant Colonel Anton Cheremnykh, deputy commander of the 310th artillery group of the 120th separate guards brigade for ideological work, has been detained in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in #Minsk, human rights activists report.
He is…
Since the beginning of February, Lieutenant Colonel Anton Cheremnykh, deputy commander of the 310th artillery group of the 120th separate guards brigade for ideological work, has been detained in pre-trial detention center No. 1 in #Minsk, human rights activists report.
He is…
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Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President of #Ukraine, commented on Lukashenka's accusations against the Ukrainian side regarding the drone attack on the Russian aircraft A-50 at the Machulishchy airfield near #Minsk.
Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the head of the Office of the President of #Ukraine, commented on Lukashenka's accusations against the Ukrainian side regarding the drone attack on the Russian aircraft A-50 at the Machulishchy airfield near #Minsk.
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#Bielorussia: condanna a 15 anni in contumacia a #Tikhanovskaya è un atto di palese e somma ingiustizia.
#Lukashenko è principale sostenitore #Putin perché teme che libertà, democrazia ed europeismo dall’#Ucraina si diffondano a #Minsk come a #Mosca.
#Bielorussia #Tikhanovskaya #Lukashenko #Putin #ucraina #Minsk #Mosca
Drakonische Strafen für belarusische Menschenrechtsaktivisten
[:de]In der belarusischen Hauptstadt Minsk hat ein Bezirksgericht wegen organisierten Schmuggels und der Finanzierung öffentlicher Unruhen hohe Freiheitsstrafen gegen die Führung der Menschenrechtsorganisation "Viasna" (Frühling) verhängt. Der Träger des Friedensnobelpreises aus dem vergangenen Jahr, Ales Bialiat
#Europa #Politik #Belarus #Minsk
#europa #politik #Belarus #Minsk