Sam Varma · @samvarma
32 followers · 333 posts · Server

Y’all. Have you played with this yet? Incredible. Update to 16.2, and in the lyric screen you can just fade out the vocals 🤯

#ios #sing #karaoke #MinusOne #music #singing #backingtracks #RogueAmoeba #audiohijack

Last updated 2 years ago

L'Ukraine est un camp d'entrainement pour petits feufas fragiles européens (depuis 2014) que Zelensky envoyait éxécuter ses basses besognes derrière les génocidaires d'Azov au Donbass histoire de leur donner un petit frisson pour pas cher...

#UnBonFafEstUnFaf #MinusOne

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
986 followers · 10873 posts · Server

I saw something interesting recently linking a bit of with .

The 1+2+4+8+᠁ = -1. To the uninitiated, this may seem crazy and completely devoid of meaning. However, look at the two’s complement representation of negative numbers. In particular, if you had a computer with arbitrary precision, you would get the binary representation -1 = 11111᠁ which is also the sum above.'s_co

#MinusOne #maths #computing #DivergentSeries #mathematics #computerscience

Last updated 5 years ago