#OnTheTown (1960 Studio Cast), The Real Coney Island
#LindseyBuckingham, End of Time
#ElfPower, Olde Tyme Waves
#WifeeandTheHuzzBand, Girl Can't Take It
#SmokeyRobinson and #TheMiracles, The Tears of a Clown
#Minutemen, June 16th
#TheKinks, Got Love If You Want It
#MichaelCarpenter & The Cuban Heels, Mission In Life
#ChuckProphet, White Night, Big City
#chuckprophet #michaelcarpenter #thekinks #Minutemen #themiracles #smokeyrobinson #wifeeandthehuzzband #elfpower #lindseybuckingham #onthetown #TheMorningLine
#BruceSpringsteen, Badlands
#YoLaTengo, I Can Feel The Ice Melting
#GameTheory, Trouble
#Parliament, Mothership Connection
#FutureIslands, Seasons (Waiting On You)
#DanWilson, Home
#TheTingTings, Shut Up And Let Me Go
#Minutemen, Retreat
#SamCooke, You Send Me
#SamCooke #Minutemen #thetingtings #danwilson #futureislands #parliament #gametheory #yolatengo #brucespringsteen #TheMorningLine
#ElleMacho, Sleep Through It
#TheWellWishers, Somebody Lied
#Grimes, Angel
#OrchestraGoldberg, Kleftico Vlachiko
#Badfinger, Perfection
#StevieWonder, Superstition
#Minutemen, Untitled Song For Latin America
#FrankSinatra, Autumn Leaves
#Elastica, Smile
#RayCharles, Worried Mind
#Pezband, When I'm Down
#Pezband #raycharles #Elastica #franksinatra #Minutemen #steviewonder #Badfinger #OrchestraGoldberg #grimes #TheWellWishers #ElleMacho #TheMorningLine