@hikari #MirrorsEdge is such a good game, but #EA kinda missed the mark with the #Prequel - [#Sequel]...
But yeah we need more of those games...
#sequel #prequel #ea #MirrorsEdge
Trying to get back into writing, so I decided to write a quick piece on my experience with the original Mirror's Edge.
#mirrorsedge #videogames #writing #blog
#Blog #Writing #videogames #MirrorsEdge
Trying to get back into writing, so I decided to write a quick piece on my experience with the original Mirror's Edge.
#mirrorsedge #videogames #writing #blog
#Blog #Writing #videogames #MirrorsEdge
Spiele-Konservierung bleibt ein heißes Thema. Wenige Tage vor der Schließung der Stores von 3DS und Wii U gibt Electronic Arts bekannt, dass man eine Reihe von Spielen aus den digitalen Stores tilgen wird. Darunter #MirrorsEdge, wegen der Online-Services. https://jpgames.de/2023/03/ea-loescht-in-wenigen-tagen-mirrors-edge-aus-den-stores-und-die-begruendung-ist-absurd/
I'm sad to see the news that EA is de-listing #MirrorsEdge on April 28th. Such a unique game with a great aesthetic. I wish it had gained a more traction but it was incredibly lucky to get a sequel.
So #EA is sunsetting/delisting #MirrorsEdge (the original one), #Battlefield 1942, and Bad Company 1 & 2 for... some reason.
Hopefully they'll be "acquirable" somehow after that point because EA decided we can't have nice things.
#GamePreservation #ElectronicArts
#ea #MirrorsEdge #battlefield #GamePreservation #electronicarts
Been playing the original Mirror's Edge the last few days, and I'm really digging it. The art style is bold and holds up very well almost 15 years later, and the movement is incredibly slick and rewarding when you pull of a chain of parkour moves.
And it's also back when #EA actually let their studios experiment and get creative.
#MirrorsEdge #videogames #Gaming #ea
Been playing the original Mirror's Edge the last few days, and I'm really digging it. The art style is bold and holds up very well almost 15 years later, and the movement is incredibly slick and rewarding when you pull off a chain of parkour moves.
And it's also back when #EA actually let their studios experiment and get creative (oh how I miss the late-2000s/early-2010s #Bioware).
#Bioware #MirrorsEdge #videogames #Gaming #ea
^^ (2/2) ....and a few more franchise tags for #Games that are featured:
#Aladdin #AlexKidd #AlienHominid #Astal #BitTrip #Blinx #Bloodstained #Bonk #Braid #Broforce #BubbleBobble #Bubsy #Castlevania #CaveStory #Celeste #ClockworkKnight #CloudberryKingdom #CrashBandicoot #Cuphead #DecapAttack #Dizzy #DoodleJump #JakAndDaxter #JamesPond #JumpingFlash #MegaMan #MightyNo9 #MirrorsEdge #NeverAlone #RatchetAndClank #Rayman #Soundshapes #Spelunky #SuperMeatBoy #TheCave #TwoPointHospital #Unravel
#unravel #twopointhospital #thecave #supermeatboy #spelunky #soundshapes #rayman #ratchetandclank #neveralone #MirrorsEdge #mightyno9 #megaman #jumpingflash #jamespond #jakanddaxter #doodlejump #dizzy #decapattack #cuphead #crashbandicoot #cloudberrykingdom #clockworkknight #celeste #CaveStory #castlevania #bubsy #bubblebobble #broforce #braid #bonk #bloodstained #blinx #bittrip #astal #alienhominid #alexkidd #aladdin #Games
Not sure how you feel about it but for me, one of the most amazing things about #MirrorsEdge is that how fresh it feels even after soon-to-be FIFTEEN(!), years.
The architecture and art direction, both corporate and otherwise is so spot on for both was I was dreaming about as a kind and what I experienced in many places since I became an adult.
How about you?
[Haven't playet Catalyst yet though]
Przywódca antykapitalistycznej rebelii wychwala bezstronność.
Ech... to będzie długi wideoesej.
#MirrorsEdge #mirrorsedgecatalyst
@jes Agreed, #MirrorsEdge is gorgeous. Have you ever checked out the #Catalyst #ArtBook?
👉 https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/book/the-art-of-mirror-s-edge-catalyst
#artbook #catalyst #MirrorsEdge
Here are some #7gamestoknowme ^^
#7gamestoknowme #universesandbox #MirrorsEdge #quake3 #Blockland #minecraft #zenge #GMod
Here are some #7gamestoknowme ^^
(+ #universesandbox because I wanted to mention that too)
#7gamestoknowme #quake3 #pokemonsunandmoon #minecraft #Blockland #zenge #MirrorsEdge #GMod #universesandbox
Here are some #7gamestoknowme ^^
#7gamestoknowme #quake3 #pokemonsunandmoon #minecraft #Blockland #zenge #MirrorsEdge #GMod
@Moggy Great article!! Love that you featured the #MirrorsEdge #Comics in there too!
Have you checked out the Art Book from #DarkHorse yet? It's gorgeous!
#darkhorse #Comics #MirrorsEdge
Oooohh ! Mon premier vrai partage d'article sur Mastodon ! C'est excitant !
Alors voilà ! Je viens de terminer mon nouvel article, entièrement consacré à Mirror's Edge. ❤️
J'espère que ça vous plaira ! 🥰
N'hésitez pas à commenter et à partager mon travail si vous appréciez. 🙏🤗
#MirrorsEdge #Xbox #PS3 #Playstation #DICE #Xbox360
#xbox360 #dice #playstation #ps3 #xbox #MirrorsEdge
Il suffit d'une poignée de screenshots pour deviner la DA de Mirror's Edge.
Im übrigen:
In der Hinsicht fehlen mir ja so ein bisschen die richtig guten Spiele.
Spiele die in absehbarer Zeit zu spielen sind (bis max ca 15-20h), bei denen man auch in kleinen Sessions (ab 30Min) noch lohnenden Fortschritt erzielt und die man zwischen zwei Runden auch mal nen Monat liegen lassen kann, ohne sich dann erst wieder ne Stunde reindenken zu müssen.
Sowas wie:
- #Portal
- #MirrorsEdge
- #WorldOfGoo
#portal #MirrorsEdge #WorldofGoo #gaming #PCSpiele #MacSpiele #FreizeitUndFamilie