With less than 100 days to go before launch, NASA’s Psyche spacecraft is undergoing final preparations at Cape Canaveral. 🚀 The #MissionToPsyche will journey to a place we've never visited before – a metal-rich asteroid. https://youtu.be/y__vwRQ3PVg
#MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
Referenced link: http://go.nasa.gov/45KwBzY
Originally posted by NASA / @NASA@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/NASAJPL/status/1665825573833441280#m
RT by @NASA: #MissionToPsyche is on track for launch in October 2023!
An independent review board found JPL’s response to address factors contributing to the mission’s 2022 launch delay has been "world class." http://go.nasa.gov/45KwBzY
If you enjoyed our #UnfoldTheUniverse and #JWSTArt challenges, check out #MissiontoPsyche! Learn more about their internship opportunities for undergrad students interested in combining the arts with science and engineering at the link below. Application deadline: June 23rd.
#UnfoldTheUniverse #jwstart #MissionToPsyche #jameswebb
Congrats to the "Eyes on Asteroids" team, winners of a People's Voice Award from the Webbys! Have you tried it? Tour the solar system's space rocks, and track our asteroid expeditions: #OSIRISREx, #LucyMission, and, soon, #MissionToPsyche - https://eyes.nasa.gov/apps/asteroids/
#osirisrex #LucyMission #MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
More about 16 Psyche, the asteroid that #MissionToPsyche will explore, one of the most intriguing targets in the main asteroid belt: https://go.nasa.gov/3wRRHLg
#MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
Metal Math: this year's #NASAPiDayChallenge includes the #MissionToPsyche! https://go.nasa.gov/3l2h10a
#nasapidaychallenge #MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
What is Psyche? 🤔
The #MissionToPsyche will explore a new type of world. For the first time, we will examine a world made not of rock and ice, but one that is metal-rich!
Launching October 2023 🚀
RT @MissionToPsyche
#MissionToPsyche is celebrating #EWeek2023 by spotlighting our Multispectral Imager led by @SESEASU @Jim_Bell. It will acquire geologic, compositional, & topographic data!
Want to learn more about the engineering process? https://psyche.asu.edu/2020/12/04/engineering-process-part-1/ & https://psyche.asu.edu/2020/02/07/engineering-process-part-2/
Meanwhile, the #MissionToPsyche is preparing for its own expedition. Psyche, which will explore a metal-rich asteroid of the same name, is targeted to launch in October.
#MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
Gearing up for launch 🚀
Teams are hard at work on the #MissionToPsyche spacecraft at the Astrotech Space Operations Facility near @NASAKennedy.
Psyche, which will explore a metal-rich asteroid of the same name, is targeted to launch in October 2023.
#cats make the best graveyard shift buddies. Running tests for #MissionToPsyche !
RT @MissionToPsyche
You better be-leaf 🍃 it! A #MissionToPsyche capstone team from @RoseHulman created this proof-of-concept model of a proposed surface sampling method for future exploration of Psyche.
RT @NASASolarSystem@twitter.com
NASA has removed its Janus asteroid mission from the #MissionToPsyche’s 2023 launch manifest after an assessment determined that Janus would not be on the required trajectory to meet its science requirements as a result of Psyche’s new launch period. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3hWY50Z
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NASASolarSystem/status/1593693464658464768
NASA has removed its Janus asteroid mission from the #MissionToPsyche’s 2023 launch manifest after an assessment determined that Janus would not be on the required trajectory to meet its science requirements as a result of Psyche’s new launch period. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3hWY50Z #NASASolarSystem
#MissionToPsyche #NASASolarSystem
This morning, @nasa and JPL leaders released the #MissionToPsyche Independent Review Board findings. This is a learning opportunity, and we commit to implementing the board’s recommendations to ensure success on Psyche and future missions. Full report: go.nasa.gov/3fxvAGm pic.twitter.com/6prIhgiTYm https://twitter.com/NASAJPL/status/1588636412311908353
At the request of NASA and @NASAJPL following #MissionToPsyche’s missed 2022 launch, an independent review board has reported findings and recommendations to improve workload and staffing for science missions, including Psyche and VERITAS. go.nasa.gov/3FKsiKl pic.twitter.com/gnDyRMWAcG https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1588625068783210499
LIVE: Our leaders discuss the report by an independent review board for our #MissionToPsyche, targeting launch in Oct. 2023. youtu.be/Ag6tqWaTVlE https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1588578788832690177
Excited for the #MissionToPsyche team, and looking forward to the unique and important science we’ll get from visiting this metal-rich asteroid. Go Psyche! twitter.com/NASA/status/15… https://twitter.com/NASAJPL/status/1586085348135690241
Our #MissionToPsyche is moving forward. 🚀 Following an internal review of mission development issues that caused the team to miss the planned 2022 liftoff to a distant metal-rich asteroid, Psyche is now targeting a launch window that opens Oct. 10, 2023: go.nasa.gov/3U8TiY8 pic.twitter.com/pqjcFEP6aE https://twitter.com/NASA/status/1586084003802644481
An independent board will begin next week to review why #MissionToPsyche could not make the planned 2022 launch opportunity. We’re pleased this is moving forward quickly and fully support this effort. go.nasa.gov/3o9CrWR https://twitter.com/NASAJPL/status/1547682763456671745