Our namesake, #DickSmith has rallied heavily against #aggregatorSites for #travel, like #Trivago, #TripAdvisor and #AirBnB.
Someone ought contact Dick and tell him about #CloudFlare, #Amazon and #Akamai.
Forget buying a little ad in a corner of a #newspaper. He might need to buy the entire newspaper for a week to cover this.
We doubt even he has the funds to do this.
#entireInternetAggregation #internetAggregation #mITMAttack #mitMaaS #encryptionScam
#DickSmith #aggregatorsites #travel #Trivago #tripadvisor #airbnb #cloudflare #amazon #akamai #newspaper #entireinternetaggregation #internetaggregation #MITMAttack #MitMAAS #encryptionscam
WARNING: Many "russian" sites that advertise things like "PRIVATE" and "SECURE" go through CloudFlare.
#honeypots #astroturf #MitMAAS
Woah! We finally had a chance recently to check the hacked #Medibank website.
Apparently the #healthInsurance company that got hacked, is #reverseProxied from #AmazonCloudFront servers. So in effect, Australian's data was "hacked" by a US entity first using #socialEngineering.
#Medibank #healthinsurance #reverseproxied #AmazonCloudfront #socialengineering #MitMAAS #deleteamazon #deletecloudflare
At #Bunnings Warehouse we value your… oh piss off, we send all your data to #Cloudflare.
…and don't contact our "#PrivacyTeam" to have your data removed from our system. Not only will we abuse you. We won't remove your data because "your data belongs to you" so "we" can't remove it from #ourServers.
#yourDataBelongsToYou #abuseOfProcess #language #semantics #doublespeak #Orwellian #1984world #privacy #MITMAttack #MITMaaS #unethical #australia #bunningsWarehouse
#Bunnings #cloudflare #PrivacyTeam #ourServers #yourDataBelongsToYou #abuseOfProcess #language #semantics #DoubleSpeak #orwellian #1984world #privacy #MITMAttack #MitMAAS #unethical #australia #bunningsWarehouse
Funniest quote on #theInternet ever:
"Cloudflare is on a mission to help build a better internet."
#ownGoal #parody #cloudflare #dotCon #dotCons #trustUs #ItsFree #MITMAAS #cloudflareIsTheMalware #internetCancer
#TheInternet #ownGoal #parody #cloudflare #dotcon #dotcons #trustUs #itsFREE #MitMAAS #cloudflareIsTheMalware #internetCancer
Going through #Cloudflare is the new #starfish.
Don't perform, dear #bank, just siphon #customerData to us, we'll print the rest.
What if good #banks don't go through Cloudflare, but use #renewableEnergy to secure #bitcoin and other #currencies that are actually worth something and we paide pay them in transaction fees.
#deleteCloudflare #cyberThreat #cyberWar #MITMAAS #singlePointFailure #cyberAttack #Australia #finance #whyBitcoinCoin
#cloudflare #starfish #bank #customerData #banks #renewableenergy #bitcoin #currencies #deletecloudflare #cyberthreat #cyberwar #MitMAAS #singlePointFailure #cyberattack #australia #finance #whyBitcoinCoin
Also the part where they never seem to talk about #Cloudflare for some reason.
Golly, why might that be?
#cloudflare #MitMAAS #cyberthreat
Cloudflare are not just a Man-in-the Middle Attack as a Service (#MitMaaS)…
They are a Central Point of MitMaaS Failure.
If #privatised infrastructure gets #hacked, #managment would need to be replaced and the #infrastructure should be returned to public hands, or get broken up.
Similar to how #banks collapsing or creating extreme instability should be dealt with.
What do you think?
#socialCost #cyberThreat #cyberSecurity #deleteCloudflare #deleteAmazon #aws #cloudflare #amazon #MITM #MitMaaS
#privatised #hacked #managment #infrastructure #banks #socialCost #cyberthreat #cybersecurity #deletecloudflare #deleteamazon #aws #cloudflare #amazon #mitm #MitMAAS
Just one example of millions (yes, they appear to to be #MitMaaS for 70% of all websites you'll likely visit on an average day)…
… is #BigData.
They even admit that they are happy to snoop on website traffic for free so that they can use the data to against supposed "#cyberAttacks". In so doing one gives the keys to your domain to them and they can in effect do what they
They also helped protect the site that produces extremists, as such are partly responsible for Christchurch.
#MitMAAS #bigdata #cyberattacks
People are fine… they can be funny at times, but are generally great, yes.
Its when they are #harvested and put through a #Cloudflare Combiner when you really need to worry.
Most so-called alternative sites today are, Cloudflared, chanBoards, dissenter, #minds, gab, #qanon, discord, #bitcoinExchanges, countless #altMedia etc.
#theCrowd #extremism (#)extremistProducer #MitMaaS
#harvested #cloudflare #minds #qanon #bitcoinExchanges #altmedia #theCrowd #extremism #MitMAAS
Damnit MintPressNews!
You try to be #independentMedia but you go and funnel your website through #Cloudflare, causing pages to be inaccessible.
Why don't you ask #whistleblowers to go to Cloudflare HQ and arrange to have their vital bodily fluids drained on the spot?
Slug guarding the mint-house.
#epicFail #mintPressNews #deleteCloudflare #deleteCloudfront #MitMaaS #mintPressNewsDotCom #bigData
#independentmedia #cloudflare #whistleblowers #epicfail #mintpressnews #deletecloudflare #deleteCloudfront #MitMAAS #mintPressNewsDotCom #bigdata
@sunny@activism.openworlds.info the only thing worse than a Cloudflare error is the patronizing messages they keep showing that either seem to dumb down the issue for you, or seem to try to take the blame away from them ("Don't look at us! It's the other guy's fault!").
#Cloudflare fucking blows.