@atomicpoet @evcjackson
The DeCloudflare git project is hosted at all good, git repos.

It also has a list of CloudFlare ASN from which anyone can produce a list of to block, for as long as needed.

We encourage Fedi instances to volunteer to operate an opt-in bot called or , a friendly alligator that warns followers when they post a link to CloudFlare.

Please come forward.

Don't sit idly by and wait for fedi to disintegrate.

#IPaddress #IPAddresses #mastodon #MITMGator #MitiGator

Last updated 2 years ago

· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@frankie ¹ is a robotic service that you follow & it follows you back. Then it monitors your posts for links. If you post a CF link, you get an instant DM from Mitigator telling you it’s a CF link & it gives an alternate link. 1. 101010.pl/@mg

#MitiGator #cloudflare

Last updated 2 years ago

· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@frankie i boosted this, then told me a Cloudflare link is in there. I thought surely I can trust a nitter instance to not put a privacy abuser in the supply chain… nope. Had to unboost. Will reboost if a CF-free nitter link is used.


Last updated 2 years ago

· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@mg @rms It’s much more convenient to boost & let do the work but what happens when I unboost? I think unboosting takes it off my timeline but some damage does not get reversed b/c the toot was already copied to the federated timelines of all the nodes of those following me. Guess some client-side tooling is needed here. And someone should teach privacy to .com.

#MitiGator #TeachPrivacy

Last updated 2 years ago

· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@gabriel @atoponce I suggest you guys follow (mg@101010.pl). It’s a quite useful service that will follow back & monitor the links you post, and ultimately DM you with a better link if you post a Cloudflare link. A guide is here: framagit.org/dCF/deCloudflare/


Last updated 2 years ago

Oh · @oh
68 followers · 941 posts · Server mastodon.coffee

Is the MitiGator no more? That was such a useful bot.


Last updated 3 years ago

Yes, for , the thing that most say Cf is useful for. There are a range of alternatives. Consider also baking into any images a watermark of your website and business so that your cannot be ethically passed onto .

The Man-In-The-Middle Attack Prevention Gator, aka is and provides alternatives dynamically based on what a person toots or boosts.

@patricksudlow @jeffcliff @witchescauldron @msaunders @MitiGator@101010.pl

#ddosprotection #FOSSCaptcha #captcha #microWorkers #MitiGator #foss

Last updated 3 years ago

@MitiGator@101010.pl post_this
Hi Fedizens, you may remember me as — yelling from the corner of the avatar.

In a moment of quality frustration I morphed into the Prevention Alligator. As always, you can follow me and I'll follow you, to let you know when you accidentally toot a dodgy website.

DID YOU KNOW I don't just -warn? Over the next days I'll share some nice things I can do.

Together, we can 'snap back' against the !

#altLink #kafkaesque #MitiGator #mitm #cloudflare #MITMAttack #foss #fediService

Last updated 3 years ago

THERE'S A WEBSITE infrastructure for and and such.

No, its not the .

Its called … and its on , lol.

- - -

We might laugh but this stuff is pretty serious. If you want to 'snap back' against the MitM Attack? Let a and all-round friendly alligator help…

Check out @MitiGator@101010.pl.

#socialmovements #politicalParties #omn #nationbuilder #cloudflare #foss #webdev #webdesign #webTemplates #MitiGator

Last updated 3 years ago

2000 FOLLOWERS STOLEN? (update)

The instance being investigated for the above alleged of and via Means of is tvitero.com

The admin of that appears to have gone silent. We continue to wait for responses. We're advised the admin understands and has published in english.

Let's hope any confusion and theft is remedied soon and can continue the fight against the (+ other) .

#theft #followers #FollowerData #deception #FediInstance #MitiGator #cloudflare #MITMAttacks #followerTheft

Last updated 3 years ago

A small team is seeking a for a FOSS anti-MITM tool called the .

MitiGator (the ) can warn people when they use or share a website hosted through , , , , or .

A for the mascot is expected. The prize: your name or crypto addr on profile .

The is not set in stone. Have a better design/name for the tool? Use it!

Please boost.

#characterdesign #MitiGator #MITMGator #cloudflare #amazon #google #akamai #azure #design #competition #art #mascotCharacter #foss

Last updated 3 years ago