#MixAnime #MixMeiseiStory
I feel Souichirou is too damn perfect. I mean come on. He's good at catching, pitching, and battling plus, he's good-looking and dated a crapload of girls before he met Haruka lmao. I don't even remember if he has flaws or not. Again, the same goes for Touma and Otomi. The Tachibana siblings are getting along too well. They're too perfect for my taste. Hopefully, that changes in the future Mix manga chapters. Yes, I'm salty XD.
If it wasn't for MIX, I wouldn't know about Mitsuru Adachi and his other manga titles. Thank goodness the MIX anime was licensed in my country. Now, all I need is the manga to be licensed in my language and I'll be happy. MIX is my most favorite anime of this year. It's likely that we won't get a second season but, I really do hope so! A least Cross Game is officially licensed in my country. XD #MixAnime #MixMeiseiStory #CrossGame #MitsuruAdachi
#MixAnime #MixMeiseiStory #CrossGame #MitsuruAdachi