Esp if you’re in a priority seat & you’re able-bodied, please look up. If you see a passenger who is using a #mobilityaid & is struggling to stand, don’t push past them for a seat. Be kind. Years ago, I never knew public transit could be so traumatic.
This is my #CargoTrike. I've had it for almost two years and cycled over 2000 miles on it so far.
I have nerve damage in my left arm and hand and it's adapted so that braking and gears are all on the right side. Unlike a lot of cargo trikes the bucket isnt attached to the steering. This means I can steer using my right hand and arm only as it's alot lighter.
If you have any questions about #trike #trikes or #CyclingDisabled let me know 😊
#cargotrike #trike #trikes #cyclingdisabled #activetravel #disability #MobilityAid
#SunSpider #giveaway! & I are giving away 8 FREE #mobilityaid #crutches starting tomorrow!
Follow both myself and #SmartCrutches on Twitter & IG share the giveaway & post a comment here:
Winner will be chosen every day til 9/21! GOOD LUCK
#SunSpider #giveaway #MobilityAid #crutches #smartcrutches