Ohne spürbare Maßnahmen, wie Straßenparkplätze umzuwidmen und damit Autofahrenden ein paar 100 Meter Fußweg oder höhere Parkgebühren im Parkhaus zuzumuten, wird #Hamburg den bis 2030 anvisierten #ModalShift verfehlen. 2/5
#hamburg #ModalShift #pushundpull #induzierterVerkehr
Daher muss Straßenparkraum umgewidmet und das #Parken soweit wie möglich von der Straße weg in #Parkhäuser und #Quartiersgaragenverlagert werden. Ein Teil der freigewordenen Fläche kann als Halte- und Ladezonen für Gewerbetreibende reserviert werden. Kurzzeit-Straßenparkplätze müssen spätestens ab der dritten Stunde so teuer sein, dass ein Anreiz zum Parken in Parkhäusern besteht.
#parken #parkhauser #quartiersgaragenverlagert #VerkehrsWende #autokorrektur #ModalShift
📢 New press release 📢 A #study on smart and affordable #highspeed services in the #EuropeanUnion shows the way to future sustainable mobility.
The study was contracted by Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking, in collaboration with ALLRAIL, CER (Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies) and UNIFE - The European Rail Supply Industry Association.
The press release and the study's report are here: https://www.allrail.eu/mediaposts/a-study-on-smart/
#study #highspeed #EuropeanUnion #rail #train #eu #transport #ModalShift
ALLRAIL is delighted to announce the creation of a Mastodon account on eupolicy.social.
ALLRAIL is the association representing independent #rail operators and ticket vendors in Europe. We advocate for a faster #MarketOpening as it is the only way to accelerate #ModalShift to rail to achieve the #EU 's ambitious #climate targets in transport.
We are looking forwards to interacting with EU and rail stakeholders as well as with the public.
#rail #marketopening #ModalShift #eu #climate
ALLRAIL is delighted to announce the creation of a Mastodon account on eupolicy.social.
ALLRAIL is the association representing independent #rail operators and ticket vendors in Europe. We advocate for a faster #MarketOpening as it is the only way to accelerate #ModalShift to rail to achieve the #EU 's ambitious #climate targets in transport.
We are looking forwards to interacting with EU and rail stakeholders as well as with the public.
#rail #marketopening #ModalShift #eu #climate
I was invited as a panel member to the discussion Car-free visions: Bristol.
I will be joining representatives of Friends of the Earth, West of England Shared Transport & Active Travel, Adfree cities and local residents.
Amongst the draft questions, one is for me, and there is a lot to say!
How does the way cities are currently organised influence our travel decisions?
Hope you can join us and/or share the event!
Monday 23rd January 2023, 7:30 to 9:30 pm
Easton Community Centre, Kilburn Street, BS5 6AW.
#citiesforpeople #carfree #cities #citiesofthefuture #modalshift #transition #transformation #retrofit
#CitiesForPeople #carfree #cities #citiesofthefuture #ModalShift #transition #transformation #retrofit
DfT refuses to publish figures regarding #emissionsreduction for transport - namely: how much #traffic would have to be reduced to meet the targets.
None of the projections achieves a 20% reduction in emissions.
Tragically, the decarbonisation plan does not even emphasize #modalshift but counts on tech solutions - #EVs.
"Prof Greg Marsden, of the University of Leeds, said the figures showed the sector breaching carbon targets and not meeting its own carbon reduction plans. He has submitted a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) demanding the figures be released."
Traffic projections are flat or increasing (!) because “In the high economy scenario, car trips increase over time".
#climatechange #climateemergency #climateaction #climateactionnow #decarbonisation
#emissionsreduction #traffic #ModalShift #evs #ClimateChange #climateemergency #climateaction #climateactionnow #decarbonisation
Het is gebeurd. Voor de eerste keer fietsverkeersinfo mogen brengen op de radio! 👌 #radio2 #modalshift
Kölner_innen waren 2017 durchschnittlich 91,6 Minuten unterwegs, so ein weiteres Ergebnis der #MiD-Studie
Zum Vergleich die Werte für
NRW: 77,3 Minuten
Bund 90,6 Minuten
Die Wegezeiten in Köln sind also 2017 höher als im Benchmark mit NRW oder Bund.
#mid #Verkehrswende #ModalShift #KlimaGerechtigkeit
Zur Erinnerung:
Im Zuge der Strategie „Köln Mobil 2025“ wurde 2014 das Ziel der Stadt Köln ausgegeben, den Anteil des motorisierten Individualverkehrs (MIV) auf 33 Prozent (!) zu senken.
#Verkehrswende #ModalShift #autokorrektur
RT @nela_lab: Benjamin Denis discussing the role of trade unions at company level. #automotive #mobility #ClimateAction #ModalShift #EU4JT
#automotive #mobility #ClimateAction #ModalShift #EU4JT
RT @nela_lab: "The climate and social cohesion agendas depend on just transition to steer the change." - Benjamin Denis (industryAll)
#automotive #mobility #ClimateAction #ModalShift #EU4JT
#automotive #mobility #ClimateAction #ModalShift #EU4JT