ん、HC85 はウチ(みかん鉄道🍊)にいたけど、キハ85 は実家に…ん…高山本線で旅に出たい…('▽'*)✨つまり、飛騨牛食べたい…
#みずほ #doll #obitsu #オビツ #オビツ48 #うちのこかわいい #ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #nscale #trainmodel #modelrailway #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #modelrailway #trainmodel #nscale #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #オビツ48 #オビツ #obitsu #doll #みずほ
Facade of a model flat building for #Modelrailways
#Flatgebouw #Flat #Highrise #Hochhaus #Modelrailway #ModelRailroad #Modelleisenbahn #Faller #Fotografie #Photography #Snapshot #PublicDomain #VensterVrijdag #FensterFreitag
#Fensterfreitag #venstervrijdag #publicdomain #snapshot #photography #fotografie #faller #modelleisenbahn #modelrailroad #modelrailway #hochhaus #highrise #flat #flatgebouw #ModelRailways #WindowFriday
#あおば #VOLKS #dollfiedream #dollfie #MDD #MDDはいいぞ #うちのこかわいい #ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #nscale #trainmodel #modelrailway #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #modelrailway #trainmodel #nscale #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #mddはいいぞ #mdd #dollfie #dollfiedream #volks #あおば
Yesterday I finished an office interior for my #Modelrailway, scale #H0 (1:87). Difficult to photograph, but you get the idea. And moreover, hardly visible in the final setup. 😎
#photography #ModelRailways #H0 #modelrailway
Yesterday I finished an office interior for my #Modelrailway, scale #H0 (1:87). Difficult to photograph, but you get the idea. And moreover, hardly visible in the final setup. 😎
#photography #ModelRailways #H0 #modelrailway
Three good things: 1, we went to a model railway exhibition today in St Andrews, Fife. 2 our son came with us, we have been doing this for years now and it has the feel of a tradition without any expectation of being one. 3 I made him baked cheesecake with gooseberry coulis and ate it with him and his flat mate and it was sociable and lovely. #ThreeGoodThings #3GoodThingsToday #ModelRailways
#ThreeGoodThings #3GoodThingsToday #ModelRailways
KATOの ビッグボーイ🚂 も届いたのだ!ハコが大きいのだ!(・‐・)ノ✨BR01辺りと比べるとサイズ感がわかるかな?
#あおば #VOLKS #MDDはいいぞ #うちのこかわいい
#ngauge #modelrailways #spurN #modeleisenbahn #Nゲージ #鉄道模型
#鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modeleisenbahn #spurn #ModelRailways #ngauge #うちのこかわいい #mddはいいぞ #volks #あおば #週末なので皆の美少女を見せて欲しい #模型撮り鉄はいいぞ
Got to show off the #NScale tornado scene I worked on at a #ModelTrain show a couple months back!
The tornado comes down from the clouds and touches down in the town before it goes back up... leaving the nearby trailer park untouched. 😉
It was a huge hit and I'm excited to have gotten it working for the show!
#ModelRailroad #ModelRailroads #ScaleModels #ModelRailway #ModelRailways #ModelTrains #ScaleModel #ScaleModels #Diorama #Dioramas #DioramaArt
#NScale #modeltrain #modelrailroad #modelrailroads #scalemodels #modelrailway #ModelRailways #ModelTrains #scalemodel #diorama #Dioramas #dioramaart
Here’s what I’ve been up to recently, between looking after a slightly poorly hubby.
I really need to concentrate on my commission work. The 16 Great Eastern Railway coaches are progressing slowly, but I keep getting sidetracked by plastic aeroplane kits. I’ll perhaps go into more depth about that personal hobby project one day.
#ModelMaker #ModelRailways #ProfessionalModelmaker #ModelAircraft #RoyalAirForce #SecondWorldWar #WorldWar2
#modelmaker #ModelRailways #professionalmodelmaker #modelaircraft #RoyalAirForce #secondworldwar #worldwar2
Well then. It's taken a while to respond. But the people have spoken so the project begins.
In order not to bore everyone to death I've started a project account for the big #modelrailway build over at @WaxingtonHalt
Do give it a follow if you're interested.
#modelrailway #modelrailroads #ModelRailways #modelrailroad #ooguage
EMKDE MKD.04 24t Dogfish ballast wagon progress. Hopper soldered to frame and extra soldering to form a rigid assembly. Solebars discarded, new ones to be made from thicker brass.
#EMKDE #MKD04 #M&MModels #OGauge #BrassKits #ModelRailways #7mmScale #mmrguk
#mmrguk #7mmscale #ModelRailways #brasskits #ogauge #m #mkd04 #emkde
Connoisseur Models PMK.9 LNER Agricultural Implement Wagon. To be finished as a NCB machinery wagon. Fully etch primed, then a light coat of primer over. NCB black beckons.
#OGuage #ConnoisseurModels #BrassKits #ModelRailways #ModelBuilding #7mmScale #MMRGUK
#mmrguk #7mmscale #modelbuilding #ModelRailways #brasskits #connoisseurmodels #oguage
3 years ago today the MLG family made their first ever railway layout, which you can see in the shop window (needs some TLC now)👀.
Get your layout started, improved or redesigned with the range of Railway products at MLG & on our website
#railway #railways #modelrailway #bridlington #flgs #lgs #modelrailways #modelrailwaysuk
#railway #railways #modelrailway #bridlington #flgs #lgs #ModelRailways #modelrailwaysuk
In today's redux of wonderful #EverythingOpen talks, we have Paul Antoine, a veteran of IT who volunteers on the #DCC-Ex project, who shows us how #ddcex can be used as an #OpenSource platform for controlling #ModelRailways
#everythingopen #dcc #ddcex #opensource #ModelRailways
Judith Edge Hunslet 325hp 0-6-0DH 7mm progress. Resin details added and body filled etch primed
#JudithEdgeKits #MMRGUK #OGauge #BrassKits #Hunslet #7mm #ModelRailways #kitbuilding
#kitbuilding #ModelRailways #7mm #hunslet #brasskits #ogauge #mmrguk #judithedgekits
Had a really great day @ the Hornsby visitors centre got to see their #TT120 layout and the sizes and even got to meet the man himself Simon Kholer defo worth the day off work #hornby #modelrailways
The longest journey begins with the first step.
Annoying coach handrails. I’ve got to make dozens, reliably. At first, I thought some form of jig would be useful. In the end, I found simply forming the wire with fine pliers simplest. There is a wastage rate, but it will come down twitch more practice - I hope.
#ModelMaker #ProfessionalModelMaker #ScaleModels #ModelRailways
#modelmaker #professionalmodelmaker #scalemodels #ModelRailways
Scoring meant the sheet of parts would stay together, and I could "snap" parts out of it as required.
After a bit of trial and error, I found the setting I needed. While I was cutting, I also created a shape to add strength to the coach kit roofs.
I need to use the kit more often. It takes me a while to reacquaint myself with the software and what capabilities the hardware has. Still, happy with the end results, and a fair bit of hard repetitive work avoided.
I’ve not done a work update in a while. To be honest, I’ve not been doing much work, despite the piles of stuff to do. It’s all this Real Life that keeps getting in the way.
Excuses out of the way, I tackled a job on the Great Coach Build I’ve been putting off for a while. I needed to create compartment dividers for 16 1/76th scale coaches.
Photos will follow in the thread.
#modelmaker #ModelRailways #scalemodelling
This evening was spent playing with my newly acquired Sprog II DCC programmer, with mixed success. Installed DecoderPro on my laptop, wired everything up, and imported the Bachman Class 08, tweaking the acceleration and fixing the direction. Less success with the Fairburn tank engine which would not run slowly regardless of tweaks to starting and mid voltages - not sure if it’s the motor or something else. Packed away for now. #ModelRailways