@chaosfae I stopped dnd with 2e. Still into adjacent games though…I really like the system and am working on adaptations of both and to it. I also like . I was really ready to jump into AND until the setting got killed. Now I’m looking into and .

#withoutnumber #dragonkingsproject #b5 #tde #fantasyage #titansgrave #worldoflazarus #ModernAGE

Last updated 1 year ago

@eladrin @greenspindle nice!

Here’s mine,

using Kevin Crawford’s system

Top Secret: New World Order

The Dark Eye

Home-brewed Babylon 5 using Stars Without Number: Revised .

World of Lazarus

Edit: and I just received my edition of the Bestiary so I’ll add

#withoutnumber #wn #swn #wwn #cwn #tsnwo #tde #dsa #b5 #ModernAGE #dragonkingsproject #cs #planebreaker #cyphersystem

Last updated 1 year ago

Dionysus 🍇 🍷 · @Dionysus
135 followers · 825 posts · Server dice.camp

Finally, I have considered using or . was a good example of science-fantasy. It could be a good system for my players. I am excited for the second edition of FantasyAGE.

#fantasyage #ModernAGE #titansgrave

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikey (He/Him or They/Them) · @PsychoticDreams
50 followers · 190 posts · Server dice.camp

If I were to run something along these lines I'd probably use or . I think they'd both do good with fantasy beings in a modern world. I'm sure there are a ton of other systems that would work too.

#ModernAGE #savageworlds

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikey (He/Him or They/Them) · @PsychoticDreams
50 followers · 189 posts · Server dice.camp

Rambling over on twitter (twitter.com/PsychoticDreams/st) about the D20 Modern setting Urban Arcana. It was my favorite D20 Modern setting, even if I'd have preferred the fantasy being to have not been hidden from the general public. Anyone familiar with me will see this as my usual thing. I'd have people from the fantasy world bleeding over just being a normal part of life. Forming communities in large cities.

#ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgfamily #DnD #pathfinder #ModernAGE #fantasy

Last updated 2 years ago

💉😷🌿Oiselarius (he/him) · @Oiselarius
62 followers · 527 posts · Server dice.camp

@vagrant @PhilosopherZeus love and to boot Green Ronin has a creators agreement that allows indie creators to publish content.

#TheDarkEye #fantasyage #ModernAGE #starswithoutnumber #swn #WorldsWithoutNumber #wwn

Last updated 2 years ago

Itamar Medeiros · @designative
305 followers · 1147 posts · Server mastodon.social

As ⁦Lea Nickless⁩ —curator and author of Plotting Power: and the —states, “maps are mirrors of our loftiest dreams and deepest fears. [They] draw literal lines between ‘you’ and ‘me,’ ‘us’ and ‘other’” printmag.com/daily-heller/the-

#maps #ModernAGE #cartography #geospatial

Last updated 2 years ago

John Doe's RPG Manor · @RPGManor
104 followers · 344 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

@abfuning Es gibt mittlerweile einige Verlage, die ihre hauseigenen Systeme für Creator freigegeben haben.
Modiphius hat für 2D20 ein System Reference Document herausgebracht, das man nutzen kann.
Green Ronin erlaubt Third Party Content für seine Alternative und .
erlaubt Selbiges für Spiele, die nicht auch Franchise beruhen ( , etc).
Die Lizenzen findet man auf .

#dnd #fantasyage #ModernAGE #FreeLeague #forgottenrealms #Coriolis #drivethrurpg

Last updated 2 years ago

💉😷🌿Oiselarius (he/him) · @Oiselarius
49 followers · 274 posts · Server dice.camp

@satchel I’m not familiar with that system. I like for the early seasons of that had a higher degree of realism than the later seasons with the plot focus. For that I think it would be easier to adapt the system.

#tsnwo #fringe #observers #ModernAGE

Last updated 2 years ago

💉😷🌿Oiselarius (he/him) · @Oiselarius
49 followers · 264 posts · Server dice.camp

@satchel yes. Yes it would! I’ve been looking for systems to do it in and and are two that could work imo

#topsecretnwo #ModernAGE

Last updated 2 years ago

🎶 when a them loves a robot · @mxmarkargent
74 followers · 183 posts · Server dice.camp

and even if "all the crap in the shadows [came] sluicing out at the first glance of a PC" (h/t Jason Corley), more over the top than , it worked out.

if I did this today, it'd either be with 3e or .

in 2003 i played a PC in a short-lived campaign where i think the GM didn't quite understand the scope of the setting or the capabilities of the PCs. frankly it should've been a mortals game.

#ote #overtheedge #ModernAGE #dyingearthrpg #exalted #ttrpg #rpg #gtkm

Last updated 2 years ago

🎶 when a them loves a robot · @mxmarkargent
74 followers · 181 posts · Server dice.camp

and even if "all the crap in the shadows [came] sluicing out at the first glance of a PC" (h/t Jason Corley), more over the top than , it worked out.

if I did this today, it'd either be with 3e or .

in 2003 i played a PC in a short-lived campaign where i think the GM just saw the cover and thought "ooh anime" and didn't quite understand what kind of world-shakers Solars were meant to be. it should've been a mortals game.

#ote #overtheedge #ModernAGE #dyingearthrpg #exalted #ttrpg #rpg #gtkm

Last updated 2 years ago

🎶 when a them loves a robot · @mxmarkargent
72 followers · 167 posts · Server dice.camp

2. in the past i've used the phrase "tense homeostasis" to describe my favorite settings, where the initial world state is like a water balloon waiting for the players to step on it in spike heels and have all the weirdness and badness and adventure sluice out. so i like settings like , , , , 's Dragon Empire, for , from , and the like. sorry not sorry i couldn't name just one.

#rpg #fadingsuns #exalted #eberron #glorantha #13thage #threefold #ModernAGE #alamarja #overtheedge #ttrpg #gtkm

Last updated 2 years ago

Dammit Victor 🦋 · @vkfarfalle
78 followers · 378 posts · Server dice.camp

@YUMDM I don't know... the last RPG products I received were , but I backed that KS ages ago.

and when was running their SICK warehouse sale?

Collecting and now... so more of those next, probably.

#terminatorrpg #ModernAGE #fantasyage #GreenRonin #runequest #rokugand20

Last updated 2 years ago

Oiselarius (he/him) · @Oiselarius
21 followers · 77 posts · Server dice.camp

@ChaskaTheMagicDog is the setting I started with and still my favorite though I’m looking at @Greenronin for their system.

#shadowrun2e #worldoflazarus #ModernAGE

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Wright · @a2ndchapter
185 followers · 167 posts · Server dice.camp

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Plus check out @TabletopScot too.

#scotland #rpgs #ttrpgs #DnD #dnd5e #pathfinder #ModernAGE #callofcthulhu

Last updated 2 years ago

Cynosure, MI stands in for Flint, and takes its name from the multidimensional city that is home to John Ostrander and Tim Truman's . is there a Munden's Bar in this Cynosure, too, with Gordon behind the bar and one John Gaunt at a corner table? right fucking on there is.

but yeah, in any event: gives you a lot to work with and there's nothing wrong with starting small and slow rather than drinking from the firehose. 7/x

#grimjack #threefold #argentrpgtwitter #ModernAGE

Last updated 2 years ago

Green Ronin Publishing's for presents "a vast Metacosm" of countless worlds and a fistful of organizations to belong to and work for, but there's nothing preventing you from starting with a simple portal fantasy. A. Spartacus Frunobulax/Francis Scott Arthur is a sort of DIY/punk/lefty Gary Gygax/Ed Greenwood hybrid, with the "Lost Lands" as a pretty obvious expy of the Forgotten Realms.


#threefold #ModernAGE #argentrpgtwitter

Last updated 2 years ago

their vans are everywhere now, and they must be responsible for the near-daily drone flyovers. what are they up to? and the looks you're getting from the shitty goth and metalhead teens downtown...creepy. and they're *everywhere*, it's like they all work every crappy service job and gig economy app there is, and they're all *so* shitty. do they know something, or are they just a bunch of shitty teens being shitty? i bet it's that last one 5/x

#argentrpgtwitter #ModernAGE #threefold

Last updated 2 years ago

the Lost Lands need heroes. what they're getting are you, your closest friends, and maybe a hired goon or two. you're not without your skills, but are you up to the task of saving a nation? a world? *do* the Lands really need heroes, or is that just what they're used to? and why has Green River, the ubiquitous online retailer, chosen this moment to open both a distribution center *and* a new cloud datacenter in Cynosure? 4/x

#argentrpgtwitter #ModernAGE #threefold

Last updated 2 years ago