Am Montag durfte ich auf Einladung des @reclamverlag zur Präsentation von „Peanuts für alle Lebenslagen“ in den Comicladen #ModernGraphics in #Berlin. Es war ein super angenehmer und informativer Abend. Hier mein Eindruck zum Buch und dem Abend:
#Peanuts #Reclam #LarsvonTörne #NaomiFearn #berlinerschnuppen #Comic #Cartoon #CharlesMSchulz
#CharlesMSchulz #cartoon #comic #berlinerschnuppen #naomifearn #larsvontorne #reclam #peanuts #berlin #ModernGraphics
Stumbled upon this #sticker motif I did ages ago for Berlin’s great comic shop #ModernGraphics.
IIRC the only requirement was: “Draw a figure that reads something”.
The lines are a bit clunky, but I still like this surreal idea of some sort of #Chaplin-esque mining bot “reading” an ancient laptop – a tip of the hat to #ModernTimes ⚙️
Please support your local comic shops in this time of crisis, especially those like MG, which always supported local artists!
#sticker #ModernGraphics #Chaplin #moderntimes