Biden Aides Explore Minting $1 Trillion Platinum Coin as Solution to Impending Debt Default - As the United States stares down the barrel of a potential debt default come June,... - #financialcatastrophe #modernmonetarytheory #treasuryplatinumcoin #trillion-dollarcoin #treasurydepartment #bookkeepingtrick #u.s.centralbank #economiccrisis #legalloophole #platinumcoin
#platinumcoin #legalloophole #economiccrisis #u #bookkeepingtrick #treasurydepartment #trillion #treasuryplatinumcoin #ModernMonetaryTheory #financialcatastrophe
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Real Progressives
Steve Grumbine used to be a Republican. When his life hit the skids in 2009, the lies his worldview had been built upon came crashing down around him, and he broke left-- hard.
By 2016 he was an outspoken advocate for radical change and an enthusiastic supporter of Bernie's campaign, but he hasn't been fooled by the sheepdoggery and didn't cave to VBNMW bullshit. He refuses to pander or sell out and keeps on trucking even as the algorithms try to bury his work.
He's mad as hell, but he doesn't stoop to the abusive tantrums, schoolyard insults, melodramatic clickbait, or flamewars that all too many people get bogged down in. I've been following his work for years and this entire time he's remained steady, focused, and grounded. I actually trust his integrity and his moral compass, and I always feel better after I listen to him talk.
He goes very in-depth on economics, particularly in his podcast Macro and Cheese, and honestly that stuff is mostly over my head-- financial topics fill me with rage and my brain reflexively dumps most of it as junk information-- but if you're into that sort of thing, the educational resources Steve and his team have put together are extensive!
#RealProgressives #stevegrumbine #realprogressinaction #rpaction #ModernMonetaryTheory #macroandcheese #m4a #economics #economicjustice #independentmedia
#MoneyTheory, #MMT, #ModernMonetaryTheory
Or for easier understanding: To become an economist today, is almost like becoming a #Priest, after #Theology found out that #praying helps nothing and doesn't reach #god.s ear.
#moneytheory #mmt #ModernMonetaryTheory #priest #theology #praying #god
#MoneyTheory, #MMT, #ModernMonetaryTheory
At the very moment, the #Bourgeoisie does not have a valid working #EconomicTheory anymore 😂
-> IMF and many global capitalist institutes recognized, neoliberalism lead to false asumptions => doesn't work. (e.g. Austerity)
-> #PostKensianism is still dead as can be.
-> Old-School #Liberalism, means pay back state debts first. For Germany that means till 2050 till 2100 no spendings on anything but the crucial stuff. Definitely no green new deal till then. The old explanation of USSR collapse can not be easily explained anymore since 2008 financial crisis.
-> The try to fix this and to justify a #GreenNewDeal could work the modern monetary theory has been invented, which is in parts so weird, that even classical economists make fun of it.
#moneytheory #mmt #ModernMonetaryTheory #bourgeoisie #EconomicTheory #postkensianism #liberalism #greennewdeal
Crashing the Dollar on Purpose for the Great Reset: Modern Monetary Theory On Steroids
#ModernMonetaryTheory #dollar #GreatReset
Imagine bro money's not real bro
🔥🎙️Neue Folge!🎙️🔥
#MMT - das Wundermittel zur Lösung all unserer Geldprobleme? & im Gespräch mit, Autor "Mythos Geldknappheit: #ModernMonetaryTheory oder warum es am Geld nicht scheitern muss"