Does anyone else go to look for something on the Interweb, promptly get distracted, and forget what you were looking for?
I do not wish to work today. Instead, I want to hide over here in the dark and listen to The Clash on my headphones.
Why won’t the universe give me THIS ONE THING?!?!
#wah #ModernProblems #joestrummerrules #yayhashtags
My computer just made an alert sound I've never heard before and I can't find any notifications in any apps.
The internet is a fabulous thing, but sometimes, you get fixated on finding the answer to something that you’d once have been content to leave a mystery, but because all things are knowable, you instead fall down a rabbit hole of searches until you emerge with the answer and discover that you’ve lost a solid hour to this mini obsession. Or is it just me?
#ModernProblems #googledetective #internet
Man, I remember when my biggest problem was that the battery in the supercomputer in my pocket didn't last long enough.
current status in #sanFrancisco 🌧️
• stock up on food
• fill water filter
• charge all the batteries
• brace for change in federal government leadership
normal preparedness: 😷🔥
• stocked up on KN95
• air filters and replacement filters ready
• prepped emergency/earthquake backpack/kit
#sfba #ModernProblems #pandemic #climatechange #sanfrancisco
@crazybutable @Remittancegirl This is terrific, John. I feel #ChatGPT will eventually serve as a tool for first drafts, the skill being in determining inputs and, as you indicate here, in corrections/rewrites. Outside of #education, I'm aware of several people who are already using it this way for business comms. I argued last month for a return to the in-class blue book essay but, yep, not every class can do this. #modernproblems
#ModernProblems #education #chatgpt
We bought an "improved" Roomba because the old one was too far behind on wifi for our house network. It's been great when we can get it to work. Today's experiment in fixing overcomplicated tech involved using a Magic Eraser to make sure the Roomba's cleaning sensor was clear. #ModernProblems
Is it just an age issue, or do most people have a combined excitement and anxiety about starting to use a new cellphone?