Hit a bit of a John le Carré streak. I’ve always found Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to be a bit confusing but after listening to the audiobook it made a lot more sense. Maybe time to watch the series and film again.
The other side effect of all the le Carré is that I now have an #RPG plot outline in my head for a #ModusOperandiRPG scenario. I already have one that’s been through a play test so I should really knuckle down and get them written up, laid out and published 😉
It’s #ChristmasInJuly over at DriveThruRPG so you can pick up any number of our releases, including #ModusOperandiRPG, at 25% off (PDF only).
If you’d like to pick up the print version of Modus Operandi after buying the PDF message me the order number and I’ll send you a discount code for $3 off a print copy (hardcover or softcover). #RPG #TTRPG
#ChristmasInJuly #ModusOperandiRPG #rpg #ttrpg
Jonathan M Thompson was the owner/publisher of Battlefield Press. He unfortunately passed away recently and a charity bundle to help with his funeral expenses is now available. For $25 you can pick up nearly $600 worth of gaming goodness, including #ModusOperandiRPG.
It's #NewYearNewGame over at DriveThruRPG and #ModusOperandiRPG is currently 25% off. I've also created a bundle which includes the mission Operation Fallen Warrior at 25% off. That means you can pick up the PDFs of the rules and a mission for just over $8. #espionage #TTRPG #RPG
#newyearnewgame #ModusOperandiRPG #espionage #ttrpg #rpg
Grab 20% off our PDFs over at DriveThruRPG in the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale including #ModusOperandiRPG.
#ModusOperandiRPG #espionage #dnd5e #DnD #rpg #ttrpg
A #TTRPG list:
Last 5 played or GMd:
#SavageWorlds (#Deadlands)
Next things I want to play or GM:
#ttrpg #savageworlds #deadlands #liminal #ose #TopSecretSI #starwarsd6 #dnd5e #startrekadventures #TheDeeSanction #LastParsec #ModusOperandiRPG
Spotted this on the bird before I quit: what #TTRPG systems do you own multiple copies of the core rules for? Me? Off the top of my head:
#ModusOperandiRPG (but that's cheating 😉 )
#StargateSG1 (the d20 version)
#StarWars (d6 and SAGA editions)
#TopSecret & #TopSecretSI
Anyone else?
#ttrpg #dnd5e #ModusOperandiRPG #OldSchoolEssentials #spycraft #stargatesg1 #starwars #TopSecret #TopSecretSI