First foray into Moho Pro's mesh warp tool. I love it! Easy to use, powerful and the results speak for themselves.
#MohoAnimation #Moho #2danimation #animation
Been doing some animating on #MOHO and boy does that programme not like raster. I like the ways work looks drawn in Clip studio. So I save the files odd as PSDs and import them into Moho to animate. But the amount of crashes I've had today have left me wanting to pull my hair out. Sadly, I went bald years ago so that's not a viable option for me.
I seem to have got there in the end though.
Now, do any of you guys know any good sites for #royaltyfree music?
30 year ex #designer, now a fulltime #carer, aspirational #animator & sometime #artist.
Late dx #ADHD and #ActuallyAutistic (#AutDHD)
Interested in many, many things, including:
#Animation #2DAnimation #3DAnimation
#Blender #Blender3D #Greasepencil
#Moho #MohoAnimation
#AffinityDesigner #VectorArt
#Reading #Fiction #CrimeFiction #Thrillers
#HeavyMetal #ProgMetal #ProgRock #Funk
#Bass #BassGuitar
#introduction #designer #carer #animator #artist #adhd #actuallyautistic #AutDHD #animation #2danimation #3danimation #blender #blender3d #greasepencil #Moho #MohoAnimation #affinitydesigner #vectorart #affinityphoto #rugby #astronomy #photography #reading #fiction #crimefiction #thrillers #heavymetal #progmetal #progrock #funk #bass #bassguitar #musicvideo #climate #dogs #politics