RT @ShouraHashemi: Heute ist der 40. Tag seit der Hinrichtung von #MohsenShekari. Das war der erste junge Mann, der wegen seines Engagements für die #IranRevolution gehängt wurde. Die Regimeschergen haben sein Grab geschändet. Dennoch findet heute eine Trauerfeier statt. 17. Jänner. #IranRevolution
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/michelreimon/status/1615266767429074945
#MohsenShekari #IranRevolution
RT @LettresTeheran: #MohsenShekari 23 ans,serveur de café, #MajidrezaRahnavard 22 ans,ouvrier dans un magasin de fruits et légumes #SeyedMohammadHosseini 39 ans ouvrier dans une usine de taille de pierre #MohamadMehdiKarami 22 ans fils d’un marchand à la sauvette sont les manifestants exécutés. 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/henrikehahn/status/1612134731008598018
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #SeyedMohammadHosseini #MohamadMehdiKarami
RT @LettresTeheran: #MohsenShekari 23 ans,serveur de café, #MajidrezaRahnavard 22 ans,ouvrier dans un magasin de fruits et légumes #SeyedMohammadHosseini 39 ans ouvrier dans une usine de taille de pierre #MohamadMehdiKarami 22 ans fils d’un marchand à la sauvette sont les manifestants exécutés. 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/larrouturou/status/1612128914184232961
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #SeyedMohammadHosseini #MohamadMehdiKarami
RT @LettresTeheran: #MohsenShekari 23 ans,serveur de café, #MajidrezaRahnavard 22 ans,ouvrier dans un magasin de fruits et légumes #SeyedMohammadHosseini 39 ans ouvrier dans une usine de taille de pierre #MohamadMehdiKarami 22 ans fils d’un marchand à la sauvette sont les manifestants exécutés. 👇🏼
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MACarlotti/status/1612052787155566593
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #SeyedMohammadHosseini #MohamadMehdiKarami
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1608546565869666304#m
شورش کور مرتجعان سیاه و سرخ ۵۷ را با ایستادگی با انقلاب دانایی و آزادی جایگزین خواهیم کرد.
#فراخوان_۱۰_تا_۲۰_دی #مهسا_امینی #Mohammad_Ghobadlou #اعتصابات_سراسری #خامنه_ای_گوه_خورد #MajidrezaRahnavard #MahsaAmini #MohsenShekari #OpIran
Further reports indicate Soniya was arrested on November 19 by #Iran's security forces. She was beaten while being apprehended.
She now faces the death penalty.
Be her voice to prevent another execution similar to #MajidrezaRahnavard and #MohsenShekari.
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #iran
Further reports indicate Soniya was arrested on November 19 by #Iran's security forces. She was beaten while being apprehended.
She now faces the death penalty.
Be her voice to prevent another execution similar to #MajidrezaRahnavard and #MohsenShekari.
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #iran
Washington, DC
Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the #Iran opposition PMOI/MEK held a photo exhibition to condemn the executions of #MohsenShekari and #MajidrezaRahnavard, and voice solidarity with #IranRevolution2022.
#IranRevolution2022 #MajidrezaRahnavard #MohsenShekari #iran
Washington, DC
Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the #Iran opposition PMOI/MEK held a photo exhibition to condemn the executions of #MohsenShekari and #MajidrezaRahnavard, and voice solidarity with #IranRevolution2022.
#IranRevolution2022 #MajidrezaRahnavard #MohsenShekari #iran
RT @1500tasvir_en: One week after killing #MohsenShekari now the Islamic Republic is making an attempt on another protester’s precious life. #MohamadBroghani is only 19 years old and his life is in serious danger.
Please be his voice.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1603132221468073989
#MohsenShekari #MohamadBroghani #StopExecutionInIran
RT @arminarefi: QUELLE IMAGE ! Des cordes ont été pendues au plafond de l’université Shahid Beheshti de Téhéran, près du portrait de l’ayatollah Motahari, l’un des théoriciens de la République islamique, en référence aux 2 manifestants, #MohsenShekari et #MajidrezaRahnavard, exécutés en 4 jours
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/MACarlotti/status/1602921719324446721
#MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard
RT @JasonMBrodsky: The West did not react strongly enough to #MohsenShekari's execution. Now #Iran's regime has executed #MajidrezaRahnavard. The response has to be greater than just statements & piecemeal sanctions on mid-level security officials. Try diplomatic isolation. https://apnews.com/article/iran-crime-government-and-politics-da53071412f8c3da9cd51945b7870780
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/BasBelderMEP/status/1602366989665800198
#MohsenShekari #iran #MajidrezaRahnavard
Qom University protested the execution of #MohsenShekari
Ahvaz IRGC poster torched
Rudsar locals attacked a IRGC base
Allameh Tabataba'i University 86th day of strike
#مرگ_بر_ستمگر_چه_شاه_باشه_چه_رهبر #IranRevolution2022 #MohsenShekari #iran
Qom University protested the execution of #MohsenShekari
Ahvaz IRGC poster torched
Rudsar locals attacked a IRGC base
Allameh Tabataba'i University 86th day of strike
#مرگ_بر_ستمگر_چه_شاه_باشه_چه_رهبر #IranRevolution2022 #MohsenShekari #iran
Najafabad Storeowners who have seen their shops shuttered by local authorities are protesting outside the city's governorate office
Tehran National University & Khajeh Nasir Toosi University 86th day on strike
Alzahra University protested the execution of #MohsenShekari
Najafabad Storeowners who have seen their shops shuttered by local authorities are protesting outside the city's governorate office
Tehran National University & Khajeh Nasir Toosi University 86th day on strike
Alzahra University protested the execution of #MohsenShekari
RT @DuezenTekkal: Das Mullah Regime hat zwei 23 jährige junge Männer hingerichtet, weil sie gegen den Tod von #JinaMahsaAmini aufbegehrt haben. Vergessen wir nicht, dass #MohsenShekari und #MajidrezaRahnavard für #JinJiyanAzadi sterben mussten. Die #IranRevoIution macht dem Regime Angst.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/RebHarms/status/1602222939860074496
#JinaMahsaAmini #MohsenShekari #MajidrezaRahnavard #jinjiyanazadi #IranRevoIution
A second protestors has been executed in I#ran. They called his parents in the morning, informing them about the execution and told them they took care of the burial. So his parents couldn‘t even see him a last time. This is pure cruelty.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HNeumannMEP/status/1602190395181568003
#MajidrezaRahnavard #MohsenShekari
RT @iranhr: Execution of #MohsenShekari must be me with STRONG reactions otherwise we will be facing daily executions of protesters. This execution must have rapid practical consequences internationally #StopExecutionsInIran #IranProtests2022
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JaninaOchojska/status/1601720555094573056
#MohsenShekari #stopexecutionsInIran #IranProtests2022
RT @robertosaviano: La mia solidarietà a @pinapic, taggata in un comunicato del Ministero degli Esteri iraniano che accusa l'Occidente di ospitare terroristi. La colpa di #Picierno? Aver alzato la voce contro l'assurda condanna a morte di #MohsenShekari, sceso in piazza contro il regime in #iran.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/pinapic/status/1601607244613029888
#Picierno #MohsenShekari #iran