Mokuba and Ishizu (DM)
Kaiba Corp's financial wealth got Mokuba a night with Ishizu to start the boy's sexual life. However, there are things that money cannot buy...
#Shota #NSFW #nude #Darkskin #YugiohDuelMonsters #Mokuba #IshizuIshtar
#shota #nsfw #nude #darkskin #yugiohduelmonsters #Mokuba #ishizuishtar
If anyones ever looking to rp with a shota Mokuba hmu!!
I can also go for some Tsukasa x Hanako action but I'm a touch less motivated for it. Although I do have lots of ideas for both! #rp #roleplay #shota #yugioh #mokuba #mokubakaiba #tbhk #tsukasayugi #amaneyugi
#rp #roleplay #shota #yugioh #Mokuba #mokubakaiba #tbhk #tsukasayugi #amaneyugi
Ngl it would be fantastic if Joey and Kaiba had a competition to see who would have the best baby. Joey has one with Yugi and Kaiba does it with Mokuba cause he’s the only one he trusts. #yugioh #joeywheeler #setokaiba #joey #seto #yugimutou #mokubakaiba #yugi #mokuba #mpreg #competition #incest #kaibacest #latenightthoughts
#yugioh #joeywheeler #setokaiba #joey #Seto #yugimutou #mokubakaiba #yugi #Mokuba #mpreg #competition #incest #Kaibacest #latenightthoughts
Here's Mokuba Kaiba, waiting for his brother´s monster to attack his butt. Also, new logo! Super basic tho because I don't know how to make a cool one
#yugioh #shota #mokubakaiba #Mokuba
Now this is a different kind of "double feature" >;3 Mokuba from Duel Monsters and Mokuba from Dark Side of Dimensions, waiting to have some fun with their older brother~
I think what happened here is (DSoD)!Mokuba got tired of waiting for his older brother to return, and used the same machine to dimension shift to the Duel Monsters continuity
#shota #hungshota #incest #selfcest #Mokuba #setokaiba #Kaibacest #kaiba #yugioh
#hungshota #yugioh #shota #selfcest #setokaiba #incest #Mokuba #Kaibacest #kaiba