The #MomentOfTruth in about 10 minutes. Cleaning up and downloading the #TrueNAS boot USB
Holy shit! #mikelindell Just revealed 350,000 non citizens voted by email outside the U.S. for Biden in 2020.
V 🌴 Chr.
Watch #FrankSpeech on RSBN Rumble channel voter fraud 2020 — #MomentOfTruth
The two day presentation, also streaming Live, is the State by State findings proof of voter fraud in 2020 elections. Each State's presentation is available separately for download
🛰️ #WeCaughtThemAll
V 🌴 Chr.
#MomentOfTruth #frankspeech #wecaughtthemall #MAGA
And #COVID was a #MailOrderPresident
Watch #FRANKSPEECH on RSBN Rumble channel voter fraud 2020 — #MomentOfTruth
Ps. The two day presentation is State by State, and each presentation is available for download
🛰️ #WeCaughtThemAll
V 🌴 Chr.
#covid #MailOrderPresident #frankspeech #MomentOfTruth #wecaughtthemall #MAGA