First was an excellent talk by Colin Camerer on individual behavior and game theory at #Monash Business School. Camerer casts a wide net, going over experiments in economic games, #neuroscience and #economics, and even chimpanzee research! Highly recommend (2/6)
#Monash #neuroscience #economics
#papermeme time!
Bo's new paper describes how multidimensional transient kinetic sweeps from automated continuous flow screening are not only efficient but also incredibly fast. Just hot off the press in Angewandte:
#ParticipatoryUrbanism in action.
Local residents in #Monash #Melbourne helping to plant their first #microforest
#GardeningAustralia #climatecrisis #SolarPunk
#participatoryurbanism #Monash #melbourne #microforest #GardeningAustralia #climatecrisis #solarpunk
What's your jam? #Monash #Melbourne
Next was a short talk by John Grundy introducing a personas and design guidelines tool for diverse end users at #Monash (9/11) #HCI #accessibility
Next was an incredible talk by Greg Adamson on how to think about #AI recommendations at #Monash Information Technology. I love the framing on thinking of AI the same way science has framed understanding of natural phenomenon over the years. Highly recommend (10/12)
Next was a great talk by Stefan Sarkadi on creating deceptive machines at #Monash. This is particularly important as the current crop of #LLMs is particularly adept at deception, so understanding what causes it to emerge is crucial (9/11)
Next was a fantastic talk by Michael Kremer on #innovation, #economics, and social good at #Monash Business School. Kremer nicely covers cases why commercial incentives might not be sufficient in many cases and what institutions could foster additional social innovation. Highly recommend (8/10)
#innovation #economics #Monash
Monash University - Researchers confirm a new forming planet:
#Exoplanet #HD169142b #HD169142 #VeryLargeTelescope #VLT #SPHERE #ProtoplanetaryDisk #Protoplanet #Dust #Accretion #InfraredAstronomy #Infrared #Monash #PlanetaryScience #Astronomy
#astronomy #PlanetaryScience #Monash #infrared #InfraredAstronomy #Accretion #dust #Protoplanet #ProtoplanetaryDisk #sphere #VLT #VeryLargeTelescope #HD169142 #HD169142b #exoplanet A railway connecting Chadstone, Monash Uni and Rowville to the city is an idea whose time has well and truly come.
Unfortunately, despite billions of dollars spent on new roads and countless lies from both sides of politics, it's never been built.
Just like the Doncaster train line, and the light rail extension to Knox.
From The Age:
"A train line to Rowville in Melbourne’s outer east was first proposed in 1969. But five decades later in the federal electorate of Aston, the car is still king.
"After rail through Knoxfield and Rowville to Ferntree Gully was proposed in 1969, several state governments toyed with the idea.
"Ted Baillieu’s Coalition government revived the Rowville link a little over a decade ago and identified a route, but the project was shelved until a central city rail line was built.
"Premier Daniel Andrews promised to plan a light rail Rowville link ahead of the 2018 state election, but it was soon put on the backburner and overshadowed by the Suburban Rail Loop – which does not run through Aston – and now federal Labor’s trackless rapid transit proposal."
#VicPol #AusPol #Politics #Aston #Rowville #Monash #MonashUni #Railway #Railways #Train #Trains #Rail #Tram #Trams #LightRail #MassTransit #PublicTransport #Melbourne
#vicpol #auspol #politics #aston #rowville #Monash #monashuni #railway #railways #train #trains #rail #tram #trams #lightrail #masstransit #publictransport #melbourne At first glance, this is a brilliant circular economy and sustainable transport initiative.
"A Monash University team pioneering an eco-friendly alternative to the millions of railway sleepers across Australia has received a $500,000 research and development grant from the Victorian Government.
"Since 2015, Monash Institute of Railway Technology (Monash IRT), along with Victorian company Integrated Recycling, has been exploring the potential for transforming recycled plastics waste – such as shampoo bottles and plastic milk cartons – along with agricultural waste, into long-lasting composite plastic railway sleepers.
"The result has been the successful development of Duratrack sleepers, which have replaced timber sleepers in low-speed railway yards and sidings as part of the upgrade of Victorian regional lines including Shepparton, Warrnambool and the Murray Basin. The sleepers have also been widely trialled by tourist and heritage railways, Metro Trains Melbourne, V/Line and Queensland Rail."
#rail #railway #trains #train #sustainability #CircularEconomy #VicPol #AusPol #research #Monash #MonashUni #transport #urbanism #UrbanPlanning #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Victoria #Melbourne
#rail #railway #trains #train #sustainability #circulareconomy #vicpol #auspol #research #Monash #monashuni #transport #urbanism #urbanplanning #climatechange #climatecrisis #victoria #melbourne
Next was an informative event at #Monash Business School on the current state of the Indian economy with Arvind Subramanian, @JayatiGhosh, Shekhar Shah, and Asad Islam. #India is certainly the new hotness when it comes to economic growth and investment, but the talks here nicely lay out the challenges and stagnation in certain areas that India will have to overcome to reach its potential (7/9) #economics
Next was a good overview of the legal challenges of #DAOs by Jason Harris at #Monash Business School. I'm still not sold on how transformative this approach actually is compared to other organizational mechanisms, but the more global perspective on how DAOs compare to different frameworks was helpful (5/8)
Next was an intriguing talk by Ronal Singh on using explainable #AI to improve human decision making at #Monash Information Technology. What I liked about the method introduced here was that it didn't just try to help humans understand the algorithm, but by modeling the user's cognitive state the algorithm was able to provide more useful predictions and explanations depending on the context (5/7)
#Monash started moving their building access card to your phone. Seemed like a great idea, but when I tried I was unable to actually get the card on my phone and the system still happily disabled my physical card.
After half an hour with Monash Connect, they reactivated my physical card and are “investigating the issue”, which is not much solace when they are unwilling to update you on their progress.
First was a nice panel on the benefits and challenges of using #NLP for economic analysis at #Monash Business School with Simon Angus, Steven Hansen, and Arianna Ornaghi. Given the problems with benchmarks in #MachineLearning I'm not as bullish on them for #economics as the panelists, but the discussion overall was quite interesting (2/10)
#nlp #Monash #MachineLearning #economics
Last was an engaging talk by Carlo Kopp on the science of #deception and #disinformation at #Monash Information Technology. Starting with a detailed definition of these phenomena, Kopp then builds up a comprehensive model of how they operate and the likely impact of these processes (7/7)
#deception #Disinformation #Monash
Next was an absolutely essential talk by Natasha Iskander on the working and living conditions of the 2022 #WorldCup construction workers at #Monash Business School. The term "unskilled" has always bothered me, and Iskander incisively describes how this framing led to deplorable conditions for #workers in #Qatar and how international organizations definitively failed workers. Highly recommend (5/8)
#worldcup #Monash #workers #qatar
RT @SwearyScholar
#ShitTheyDontTellYouInOWeek Are you heading uni for the first time? Send me your questions! #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #deakin #monash #ACU #RMIT #LaTrobe #VicUni #studyhacks
#shittheydonttellyouinoweek #university #melbourne #literature #foryoupage #fyp #foryou #unimelb #Deakin #Monash #acu #rmit #Latrobe #vicuni #studyhacks